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Everything posted by Ssasho0

  1. cool, can you share some more pictures, especially of the wings? I would like to see the Drooling bulldog colours in action.
  2. can you guys recommend similar,b ut better sites?
  3. Great start, really, I will be keeping an eye on your build and well I also am I bit envious, because for some time I dream of a MFH kit, but they are too damn expensive!
  4. Great X-wing,you can still hollow the gun barrels. It will be looking even better
  5. Danny, have you tought aboyt using tissue instead of foil? You put it in diluted white glue and then on the required pkace and paint after it is dry. just an idea
  6. Excellent Pfalz, one of the most beautiful "shark" like German scouts and you definitely have done it justice!
  7. Beautiful, I love the greek camo and this one is executed perfectly!
  8. Danny, this is awesome build, I will be following along!
  9. Hey Steven, The new green is really better than the "old" one and the model is shaping up perfectly! I have a question thoug, are those wheels real rubber or you painetd them? What paints do you used for it? Bets regards form Bulgaria, Sasho
  10. How did I missed your build log "Mr. Novice Modeller"?! I lol-ed when I read that sentence The car looks excellent so far and I agree that the casting is superb. Something else got on my mind thou - Ivan lives in Russia but he have new business in Ukraine with armoured cars...... Joke aside, this is an unusual subject and I'm very glad to see it being build, especially by a master modeller like you! Best regards, Sasho
  11. it will be perfect in the oven with an apple stuck in his mouth...and a lemon in his arse :-D
  12. I'm using Locktide Super Bond liquid glue, its thin and goes into cracks and seam lines by itself. I sand it 15 min after aplucation before it gets fully cured, because after a day it becomes harder than plastic and harder to sand
  13. Dear fellow modellers, this is the project that occupied my modelling time recently - the wonderfull Otsu 1 by Gaspatch models. The kits is very good, softish tan colored plastic that glues easilly, perfect fit, 2 PE frets, a jig for aligning the wings, a resin gun and precut mask for those that prefer them over the decals for the roundels. Additionally I have thrown Gaspatch turnbuckles and Aviattic linen decals for the gray parts. the paints used are Tamiya and Gunze acrylics, Alclad II and gunze metalizers, different oil colours for the wooden parts. The base was done with whatever I found around my garden. I will probably change the vanner used with a thicker one, as this one seems a bit thin, but untill then it stays like this! Any comments, tips, reccomendations or constructive criticism are welcome! Best regards, Sasho
  14. excellent work so far I really like it!
  15. well, my brithday was two days ago and my wife got me this lil kit as a gift from her - thats why I love her!
  16. Hi Daniel, First off, congratulations on being brave enough to post it and ask for opinion! Second, this is really a nice effort for someone just getting into the hobby. Third, I think that post like great "great start" don't offer you much outside of some comforting, but I think you are not here for this, but rather to get advice and idea and ultimately build a better model! So I will give you some constructive criticism and advice, this by any means is not a blatant critique and definately no disrespect. What kindof paint do you use? No matter of teh kind you should idlute it more, the brush strokes are visible because the paint is too thick! Get some thinner and dilute it till it becomes as thick as milk ( a bit more than water), put the tip of the brushin it(not the whole brush), then leave few strokes on a papertowel and start brushing. As the paint is more diluted, you will need 2 or more layers in order to get the colour. I can recomend to add few drops of Mr. Leveling thinner regardless if you use acrylic or enamel colours, but just 2-3 drops, this will help the paint to level. Don't use flash for the pictures, better use natural sunlight, but not directly under the sun. More like in a light shadow where the light is strong enough but it is not direct. Don't give up! Try to make every single part as it is a whole model and the results will follow! Best regards, Sasho
  17. looking better and better with each post I have a question thou - where do you get information regarding the yellow cables, fuel lines and other similar details? Best regards, Sasho
  18. Ssasho0

    New WnW GB!

    Cool, I will start maybe a week later then
  19. I saw your build at FB, but I can't get tired of seeing it, so I browsed through the photos with pleasure again best regards, Sasho
  20. Ssasho0

    New WnW GB!

    voted for "Two seaters" as this is quite big group and with both English, German and French/US/Japanese subjects available. On the other hand there are only 3 twin engined models (unless we count the Fokker E.IV for a twin engined) and they are quite big and quite expensive and the build time will be too long. The OoP models is also promising, but this will prevent people that don't have them to join the build, potentially lowering the number of the builds and finally the W.12 and W.29 build, well this just falls into the two seaters GB so we don't have a controversy there :-P Best regards, Sasho
  21. good colour variation Dany I like it
  22. Good start, keep those updates coming
  23. Excellent start so far, I especially lik ethe leather effect on the seat. How do you painted that?
  24. Great museum and entrance is free, which is additional + into my eyes I was there 2 years ago, but had just 2 hours and I spent them taking pictures of the RE.8 and Bristol fighter, untill my camera died. So if someone is interested into detail pictures of those 2 let me know.
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