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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. And then drink it? ​I want photographic proof of that Mikey!
  2. ​Nicely done Dave. Having already gotten my DNA all over Gunner Mikes kit I am hoping for a −4. I have not heard that rumor yet. 1A, 1D and FAA (wing tips are already clipped for this) but not the −4.
  3. Have both, Tamiya and Dragon version of this kit (imagine that Mikey!). The first thing noticed was the part count of the HVSS assemblies. 8 for Tamiya and 24(?) for Dragon. Will be watching closely for as Steve mentioned, also my favorite M4.
  4. Missed last Columbus. Will make this one. I can hear the whining, sniveling and and cry baby antics starting already.
  5. ​Duuudddeeesss….Great review. I went through the whole thing and Mikey knows the length of my interest of those natzee wing thingies. Have a beer on me gents.
  6. ​Hmmm…..I don't know Mike. Do you have a kit for it?
  7. Paul agrees with Paul. Don't hurry on this bank account dinger. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I heard Gator Glue expands as it dries. Wives Tale?
  8. ​It was in Virgina in '02 and '08. And there again next year. Been in Atlanta, Ohio and Florida recently. You have it easier than a lot of other folks.
  9. What Rick said. Very nicely done.
  10. ​Uummmm…….wow! Hope to see a built one in person one of these days.
  11. Thank you Chris. Ordered some today.
  12. I am finishing up a Typhoon Mk. 1B. I bought, and for the life of me, I do not know why, masks for all the markings. What would the proper red, blue and yellow color call outs for the national markings. Thank you.
  13. ​What a horrible fate for something that belongs in a museum. Hindsight's always 20-20.
  14. I stand corrected. Wonderful and inspiring work.
  15. I do not believe you did this review as I fail to see a glass of beer in any of the pictures.
  16. I am guessing the last picture is also of the model.
  17. Someone wake me when a new mold AMX-13 is released. (IDF group build anyone?)
  18. ​Hmmm……I bet I could make that work.
  19. Those will be posted here later. BTW- Have you seen them yet?
  20. Last month, Mike Witous and myself represented TVMC on a LHS tour. We visited Brookhurst Hobbies, JD's, Military Hobbies and Hobby Town USA of Corona. Met some great people and saw some neat stores and spent some money. Had lunch at the beach at Mickeys Deli. Good day. Click the link below to see the photo's. Use the <- -> arrows to scroll through the photos as that is the only way the captions appear. Enjoy! http://www.meetup.com/TemValModClub/photos/15648332/
  21. DDaaannnggg!!!! After all that TNT, I bet that tank still hasn't landed!!
  22. OK. We have one of those about 14 miles from here. That's close to Menifee standards.
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