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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. That's it? One kit?
  2. Beautiful job there. But…..as a Southern Californian, I must ask. You didn't put dirt on the top of your car did you?
  3. ​An F2H-2 Banshee. I don't care if Paul Fisher produces it and charges $500 for it. My mom is paying for Sienna's (my 'woman child") college anyway.
  4. Typhoon being my favorite British aircraft, really enjoyed seeing the Airfix offering. I am just in the final stages of completing mine. Never to be seen here as it is in the 'one-quarter" scale variety. My question though, did the camera make the rivet detail appear early "Trumpeter'ish"? When I saw it I had a flashback to when I first opened the box to my 1/32 F-100.
  5. for someone with some skills. Didn't even know this thing existed. Kinda like America's "funnies". Can see why it wasn't adopted. Can you imagine the reloading under fire?
  6. ​Looks even better in person. As far as LSM support, that will change through participation. I realize that posting in the armor section here can e like having a conversation with yourself. Not much fun. LSM is a relative new place for us sniffers of the styrene to hang out. Just go to a show and see for yourself. The amount of 'wingy thingies" will almost always out number us "target" builders. We need to build up the interest. I have 101 members in the model club I run out here in SoCal. I will introduce my members of the large scale planes and armor genre to LSM. But I will, don't pardon the pun, target the ground pounders. I have started with Jason (Armorguy21). He has won more awards than I have finished kits. Starting next week, after things have slowed down at the home front, I will start the recruiting faze. Ideas on armor group builds and so on. Get builders to post pictures. I have accumulated contacts with club officers over the last 4 1/2 years. I will hit them up. I'll see if I can get IPMS Baja to swing on by for "Happy Hour". They are almost exclusively tank builders. Won't happen over night. But it will happen. OK…..I'm done….time for a beer.
  7. With Jack Munroe, a builder of the car kits, joining the ranks of Temecula Valley Model Club our membership has hit the century mark! Mike Witous and I started this adventure 4 1/2 years ago. Just a innocent "whatcha' ya working on now" phone call one night and here we are now. The most difficult person to get to the meetings was the Mikester, and he lived closet to our meeting venue. Which is, Hobby Town USA, Temecula, California. With a trophy stash of just under 150 and 6 Best of Show awards, this club has some top notch builders covering every genre. We recently had our annual BBQ and drew a crowd of 73 souls representing 3 IPMS chapters, the Southern California AMPS chapter and several non affiliated clubs. I have been asked on a few occasions to consider starting our own IPMS chapter. But we stay true to our motto. "Haud Sceptrum, Haud Sentio, Haud Forsit". Latin for "No Rules, No Judges, No Problem".
  8. When you say "highly thinned" Rick, something like 10% ratio?
  9. Some clown at my Halloween party drank your Newcastles.
  10. I love cockpit upgrades. Sometimes I buy them before I buy the kit itself. No one ever told me this was a cheap hobby.
  11. ​How did you lighten it up Jason? I seem to remember it being darker when you kept it here during your "cooling off period".
  12. Sprue Brothers has them in stock at $20.49 USD. After buying G-Factor's for my Mk. IX and F-105G that doesn't seem that out of line. Especially seeing as it also includes gear doors. http://store.spruebrothers.com/product_p/edu632021.htm
  13. Thank you for joining and posting. I will retract my extortion threats. This is defiantly a Valley Con winner. BTW. Go to a/c wip. There's a Uhu (ZM) build going on.
  14. Usually see some metal frets to go along at that price. Still, looks good.
  15. TVMC member, Brad Belshiem, built one last year for Modelfest 2013. Interesting subject.
  16. ​What I do………. 1) Pre beer project. 2) Opti-Visors 3) Mr. Tweezerman tweezers 4) Apron http://www.micromark.com/parts-catching-apron,8108.html 5) I use Future for the glue
  17. Bought Vol. 2 and was amazed. Was light a "F.A.Q." light version. Looking forward to volume 3.
  18. OK. My entire 2014 just got changed. After finally acquiring the needed updates for my 1/32 F-105G, I will finish my in progress builds. Then the "Wild Weasel Thud" hits the bench.
  19. Did I miss an anouncement or are you wishing out loud Matt?
  20. To finish what I started in 2013. Then…………………. 1) Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire Mk. IX in IAF 2) M50 IDF Sherman with Composite hull 3) 1 350 scale ship
  21. All the time. Bought the last of it at our local Staples. Haven't seen it since.
  22. Fantastic stuff!!
  23. Very nice! Weathering superb. Yellow and blue enemy vehicle in background of the 5th photo needs a touch more dusting though!
  24. Thank you Jamme. I will celebrate my day by painting my Typhoon Mk. 1B and enjoying my "swill"!
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