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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. AAHHHHBULLSHITCHOOO!!! Hate those surprise sneezes.
  2. Aren’t we all.
  3. 2020
  4. What’s TOS? Been out of the loop for a bit.
  5. What’s TOS? Been out of the loop for a bit.
  6. I smell trophies.
  7. Would consider if in decent 48th.
  8. It was a 1950's design. It's a light tank. The French were poorly under armored until the Le Clerc arrived on the scene.
  9. Greetings.
  10. Been awhile. Except for the barrels it is oob. So…. I guess it's not oob. Used Vallejo Air colors and Silly Putty for mask. Behind the TC's search light lens is foil from a candy wrapper. Copula vision ports are a mix of Tamiya clear green and blue that I went to heavy on.
  11. The entire lower hull of my Trumpeter T-69 tank. Assembled, puttied, sanded, cool. Washed it to get all the sanding dust off. Put in on the hood of Mommas truck to dry. Came back out a while later, 45 minutes, and her truck was gone. Quick trip to store. Got on bike and found what was left about 3 blocks away.
  12. Base was really fun to do. I cut and profiled from birch(beech?) wood. Took first place last Saturday at the San Diego Expo.
  13. Great work on the tracks.
  14. Beautiful work.
  15. Looks like a great show with some great builds. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. I know it can take some time.
  16. Time to post a finished product. The construction link is below. http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/2999-m6-anti-tank-dodge/page-2?&p=59412
  17. Had to add 2 more items. Just don't know when to quit. Found that Legends makes an early "C" rations set. Had to have one of those. Very nicely detailed resin boxes with decals included. Great stuff. Now a helmet. A Japanese company called "Feeling Parts" has a US sling set that include helmets and liners. The liners and slings are made of what appears to be rice paper and assemble like the real deal. Wanting a "netted" helmet, I used the Verlinden netting and screening material. I used diluted white glue to attach to helmet. I placed the C ration box in the bed and ca'd the helmet in front of the drivers position. Done! Done! I swear this time! 4 1/2 years and done!!
  18. We have a member of Pendleton AMPS that has a 3D printer. Brought it in for a demo. Quite impressed. His was 3 grand though.
  19. Welcome to LSM. Thanks for joining. How about going to the "Say hello" forum and introducing yourself. And to answer your question, probably not anytime soon.
  20. You'll have to change your web site name to "Doogs Jugs"
  21. Micro Mark is who I suggest. http://www.micromark.com/SearchResult.aspx?deptIdFilter=0&searchPhrase=resin+casting
  22. Can't have too many tools.
  23. ​Well now….. Time to slam some Golden Earring into the cd playing thingy.
  24. Fantastic groundwork. Envy his figures also.
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