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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. What are your weathering plans there Daz?
  2. That color of plastic reminds me of the old Aurora kits from the '60's.
  3. Did a closeup of your chipping on the wing root. Superb job.
  4. Greetings and welcome General! Why don't you cruise on over to the "Say Hello" department and introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself. Build on!!!
  5. NICE! Thanks for sharing. Will try on next armor project after my Tiran 5.
  6. There was post somewhere a couple of days ago about a 1/32 Bronco coming out. Anybody remember the scratch built OV-10 at the 2007 Nats?
  7. Jays working on a Buffalo. He's posted it. Quite impressive.
  8. Wonderful shots. Thank you!
  9. Drive train was also the downside on the Dodge WC56. Must be a Italeri thing. Nice mud job there.
  10. Probably. The place that got too big for their own good.
  11. Glad to have helped. Thats why they pay me the "Big Bucks" here.
  12. I have been doing for the last couple of years. Also, only with the grey Tamiya stuff. Works wonders on fuselage/wing seams. Saw this trick on another site and have since saved tons o' time and sanding sticks.
  13. Maybe this will better fit your needs. http://www.ww1aircraftmodels.com/page10.html
  14. ​Like NASCAR." If you ain't cheat in', you ain't trying'". http://www.uschivdr.com
  15. ​Jim, check out the builds here in the Wing Nuts department. Some off the hook builds with advise on how to's.
  16. Here's a build of mine that out of hand. Tamiya hull, 2 Eduards pe sets, Barrel Depot barrel, Lion Marc turret, Fruil tracks and storage bins and parts from the AFV 1967 Shot Kal kit. I used White Ensign paints for the first time. Sprayed like silk but has a short shelf life after mixing. Kit took 1 gold and 1 silver medal. 11 pictures below.
  17. Looks sweet Jay!
  18. Who evers owns that car had better pray Morris Claireborne doesn't get traded. BTW-like your "stippling" work.
  19. Bad news for those of us that have the Trumpy T-62 and Legends Tiran 6 conversion in the stash. Trumpeter has announced an injected kit due out next March. I guessing it will be based on their 1972 Mod kit, #0377. Have only seen a cad shot of it so far but am looking forward to checking it out. I for one will continue with my plan to use the Legends set as it is mostly resin and has the fender tank plumbing included and I will bet a 6-pack of my best vintage Coors Light that this kit will not. And besides, this release will make the $67 Legends set worth about $1.79.
  20. ​Just when I thought I would make it to the end of there year without another kit. Oh well. Gotta have it!
  21. ​Uumm..wow. I sure it's a great kit, and I do love the 104. But that seems a little like Tamiya money there.
  22. ​This is TVMCer's Matthew Music's diorama. Eastern Front German 88. Matt normally builds Sci-Fi and naked lady figures so has no interest in joining us. He has giving me his blessing to post these crummy pictures. This dio is incased at Hobby Town USA Temecula. I will return there soon and take new pictures. This is the Dragon kit built oob. His weathering and groundwork skills are to be admired.
  23. Nice work. Makes me want to give another go at my Fw.190D-9 and MDC mods again.
  24. Maybe time to put an end to this thread?
  25. Wonderful example of what happens when armor out runs their infantry support.
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