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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. The main forum was lost on the great crash of the SPAR Forums...But I do recall there was a website.. But that seems to be gone too... Be a shame if the website has been pulled it did have a lot of good info on it.
  2. I made my own booth.. Well two booths! I have one at work. I found all the ones that I looked at weren't large enough to house a 32nd twin.... So I used a wooden shipping crate and added an extractor fan, and a couple of 5500k strip lights. I have a photo somewhere, I will try to dig it out.
  3. I have that Tiffy kit too, plus all the MDC resin bits... My plan is to rescribe the kit as it has raised panel lines... But knowing my luck someone will release a newly tooled kit!
  4. Wow! 24th isn't my bag... but I think you just temped me to get this kit!
  5. Whooh... Never expected that! Looking forward to your next update!
  6. Well its a good thing that they are doing that Mike! Time to stock up indeed!
  7. Yea I need to pull finger and do something about that!
  8. The main thing is will you have a job back stateside?
  9. I just binned my Emhar last week! Horrbile fitting pieces.. I heard a rummor that this was coming... but I kinda expected Meng or Takom to be behind it... not Tamiya! Looks to be a bargin too acording to HLJ website! 3040 Yen = US$30! Just preordered mine too! http://www.hlj.com/product/TAM30057
  10. Its different to what I am used too. Took me a while to spray the way I wanted them to... as I did have some issues where is kinda pooled in small circles. I currently am writing a review for them so have somethnig up very soon!
  11. Interesting...Do you have a link to them? I have seen people use sharpies in the past.. but I had issues where they bleed through the paint.
  12. Thats looking great Paul!
  13. While working on the KV-1, I did some more masking and painting... Need to do a couple of touch ups
  14. Anything with ammonia should do it
  15. I use PPG Two Way thinners. I get 4 litres for around NZ$28
  16. Thats a nice sized workshop Lyle I miss my old house... Did have something like that..
  17. Cheers guys! Yes they are decals. It they are printed on clear film and then you paint them the colour you want!
  18. I would be interested to see those!
  19. Awesome! Why dont you add this to our Junkers Group Build that just Kicked off! http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/forum/166-arrow-wolfs-junkers-gb/ If your keen... I can move this to that area...
  20. So... I have been a bit quite on the building front lately.. Here is why! I had to build these two Rolands! From my modellers point of view.. I had fun building them both! Luckly I will be keeping the pale blue Walfish for myself! Both kits were built from the box, Ezline for the Rigging. Mixture of Vallejo, Tamiya and Mr Color paints where used and AK and Mig's Ammo weathering products were used to drity them up! I will be doing a "How To" shortly that will be posted up on the Wingnut Wings website on how I got that patchy dirty mottle look on the C.II. Roland C.II Roland C.IIa "Late"
  21. I really should pick those Rinaldi books.. Any good source to get them from... I see international shipping is $26 directly from them
  22. No worries Dave... Glad I can help
  23. Unfortunately this isn't the mount of Manfred... It has been previously been identified as that.. But when he was an observer with Kagohl II, he would of been called on to any of the crew of any of the unit machines... So it is possible that he did crew on Spots...
  24. Thats looking Fantastic! Love the mottle also!
  25. Great start! Looking forward to the next update!
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