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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Whooh... I remember that ad! That must be going back a few years.. mid/late 1980's?
  2. Wow! Very awesome! Hope they have plans for more of these for other aircrafts?
  3. Please Joe! That would be very cool!
  4. Thats pure Awesomeness there!
  5. Well it's not new... But I got my hands onto a used Paint Rack! Thanks to Jim for arranging the deal! I can get 188 bottles going across and each row can take about 8 bottles deep.. Currently it's got most of my Mr Color on it, but I may rearrange it to fit everything onto it
  6. Between Matt and yourself... I really want to pull out my 262 now! But that means I need to spend some $$$ for a few things I want for it!
  7. Fantastic start Flip!
  8. Bravo! Cant wait for the next update!
  9. Some really nice looking schemes there!
  10. Was looking at this fantastic work once again... And I came up with a great tip for the smoke to make it realistic.. You could use a cigarette or a incense stick
  11. Got to love paint masks, results are always fantastic
  12. Fantastic to hear! What set did you get?
  13. I use Two way Thinners to thin Mr Surfacer
  14. Nice start Guy! I should really pull out mine again!
  15. Looking great! The Super Metallics are the way to! They spray beautifully!
  16. In my review of this kit that can be found in the Aircraft review area, I stated what is different - F4U Differences I know a few of you are wanting for the F4U-1A/1D, and wonder if it’s possible to build a 1A/1D from the Birdcage kit.. The answer is kind of… but you would require some parts from the later release from Tamiya or another manufactures kit... F4U-1 early/mid Birdcage to F4U-1 Late (-1A destination, not officially used till post war) • Redesigned Bubble Canopy. • Antenna Mast fitted to Fuse, aft of Cockpit. • Pilots Seat raised by 180mm/7in (5.14mm/0.2in in 1/32 scale). • Lengthened tail wheel strut. • USMC F4U's lacked arrester hooks and had a pneumatic tail wheel. • USN F4U's had smaller diameter solid rubber tail wheel. • First to be able to carry a drop tank under the centre section of the Fuse. • Belly window was deleted on most airframes. • Larger Propeller F4U-1 Late - F4U-1D • Twin-rack plumbing for additional drop tank. • Underwing Rocket launchers/tabs (last 266 F4U-1D's) Hope that helps... But as Matt said, I would wait, as I would expect something from Tamiya very soon.
  17. Nice Start! Love the scheme too!
  18. Your on a roll with that Modern Armour Matt! That box art looks very cool!
  19. What a nice pile you have Danny! Looking forward to the Roland!
  20. Hahaha I wonder what you were referring to Rog! Now I see it! That website That I linked the image from changed it! I will fix that now!
  21. Its a neat looking kit Rog! Even Paint masks are included for the Camo!
  22. Couple of things landed today... Trumpeter KV-1 Academy Hetzer (got it landed from Korea for $25!)
  23. Again... Wow! How did you do all the White spots? with a mask or freehand?
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