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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Nice Start Danny! I must say this must be the first build that I haven't seen the Barracuda parts used
  2. Shame to hear about your old workshop Danny! But I argee with Jim! You need to dirty it up and build something! Got anything on the go at the moment?
  3. Looking great Cruzz! I can understand your feelings about the repairing the rivets! I cant remember how many I had to do on my J.
  4. Great idea doug for the rear of the cockpit! I will have to borrow that one!
  5. Fantastic stuff Ben! Love the additions that you are adding to. HK provide a fantastic canvas to start with!
  6. Fantastic Stuff Jeroen! Love the weathering on the underside. Now get moving on that Endecker!
  7. I will Echo Kent too. I got a A6M2b Big Ed a while back and it had two Engine sets within it, but no Exterior set. Contacted Eduard and the replacement was on its way the next day. I offered to return the extra Engine set and they told me not to worry!
  8. Great Stuff Jeroen! Thats going to help a lot of people for sure!
  9. You want to apply the lightest amount of down force while you roll it forward and backwards
  10. I just saw Monuments Men the other day and they were driving around in a Capture Kubelwagen painted up with Stars... Thought it would be a cool little dio
  11. Hope your planning to build them for the Junkers GB!
  12. You can use white metal too... But resin is the way to go.
  13. Cheers Erik! Looks like the later Tamiya version is the way to go!
  14. Looking picking up a Kubelwagen at some stage.. Just wondering what to pick up the Dragon tooling or the Tamiya one?
  15. Had a look at the AK Interactive range... They have some Chipping fluid that seems to work very well on AFV subjects and I have seen used on Aircraft too.
  16. Awesome read John and a great idea!
  17. Yes... Brand new knife blade... Nice hard flat surface... Place the blade where you want the cut and start rolling the rod back and forth with the blade to cut it...
  18. Beautiful work and fantastic photos! Love to see what your setup is...
  19. I am currently building an Hasegawa A-7 and it's going together nicely... I would recommend having a look in the Arrow Wolf Focke Wulf Group build area as there are a few being built at the moment
  20. And thats the current state its sitting in! I think that could be easily done!
  21. I was last working on the Spandu's, to recap they have been sprayed with X-18 Semi Gloss Black. and they received a dry brushing of XF-56 Metallic Grey to bring out the details and worn look. Now too the fun part... Lozenge! I started out by painting the wings with a CDL colour, this case Tamiya's XF-57 Buff and clear vanish over the top of that. And applied the Lozenge as per the instructions... I started to take photos for the hair dyer technique... but they came out horrible, so I will do them again with the top wing... All the smaller parts are now painted, and ready to be attached at some point... And a quick dry fit to make sure they fit... A word of warning.... Be careful around the Photo Etch jackets of the Spandu's! The can damage pretty easily! I don't know what I did, but I will have to remove the squashed jacket and re-roll and paint it!
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