I was last working on the Spandu's, to recap they have been sprayed with X-18 Semi Gloss Black. and they received a dry brushing of XF-56 Metallic Grey to bring out the details and worn look. Now too the fun part... Lozenge! I started out by painting the wings with a CDL colour, this case Tamiya's XF-57 Buff and clear vanish over the top of that. And applied the Lozenge as per the instructions... I started to take photos for the hair dyer technique... but they came out horrible, so I will do them again with the top wing... All the smaller parts are now painted, and ready to be attached at some point... And a quick dry fit to make sure they fit... A word of warning.... Be careful around the Photo Etch jackets of the Spandu's! The can damage pretty easily! I don't know what I did, but I will have to remove the squashed jacket and re-roll and paint it!