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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Naysayers are being watched by LSM Staff.. One has been dealt with already,
  2. Strange Frank! What are you using to thin it?
  3. Totally agree on the above... Got my Shinden Kai couple of days ago and looks fantastic
  4. Wow! Thats outstanding!
  5. Looking good Matt... I am thinking of picking up one of those Academy Jadgpanzer Hezter things.. I will be watching how you paint yours!
  6. Great start! Is this the same kit in the MRC/Academy boxings? I always been wanting to do an Desert Storm Cobra
  7. Love those Jackets! Fantastic start! Keep them updates coming!
  8. Interesting scheme! As Rick mentioned, nice work on a tricky kit.
  9. I have found that my Tamiya and Iwata Needles are the same... As long the diameter and length are the same... I can't see any issues at all. Have you try contacting Hobby Link Japan, as they carry Gunze Airbrushes?
  10. They look to be very nicely done!
  11. Nice! This is going to be a fantastic build!
  12. Cheers Doug! I will have a good read of that
  13. But its Large Scale... and it Flies! Does that count?
  14. So I just popped into my Local to collect this.... and walked out with this too...
  15. Nice idea about the Toothpaste Justin! Never thought of that...
  16. I know! But those Greek based 110's are colourful... and G9+JM with the "Naval" RLM 72 on Black RLM 22 and the Teeth... so different from all other theatres that 110 served in! Now can you see my dilemma?
  17. Thats fair answer... Are you building the Glass Nose?
  18. Pick up these in the a Lucky Model Sale... Brushes were around a $1.20ea the DVD was only $10...
  19. Is there a reason that you want the weight its self? Why don't you use some fishing weights? I used them in my B-25 and had no issues...
  20. Its a new year... so time for a new project to build during Lunch at Work... So I going to start on the Bf110 that is one of the models on my New Years Resolution list... But I can't finalize a scheme, I have narrowed it down to four - G9+JM, 4./NJG1, St Trond, France, Feb 1942 S9+NN, 5./ZG Wespen, Lt. Herbert Kutscha, Russia 1942 3U+AN, 5./ZG26, Oblt Theodor Rossiwall, Argos, Greece, May-June 1941 M8+SP, 6./ZG76, Fw Spitzner, Argos, Greece, April 1941 So what do you guys suggest?
  21. Vaseline could work... but I be worried if it leaves a residue behind... I can send you a Jar of Marmite with that Canopy if you want to try it? Its great on Toast too!
  22. The nose weights were done by Profimodler.. UMM-USA are the agents in the US http://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/index.php
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