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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Thats awesome! You will need to get him to sign up at LSM!
  2. Hi Paul, I got myself some big bottles of Zap 30 minute epoxy on order, just need to nail some sandpaper a board to start sanding off the casting blocks. And I should be able to start...
  3. For those that are wanting a copy of this book that is now out of print.... I just have seen that Hobby Link Japan has it instock. http://www.hlj.com/product/afp54133
  4. Looking for to seeing more Pictures Paul! I haven't started mine yet as I am still awaiting the epoxy to arrive!
  5. Great Review Jeroen! Looks like I will have to pick some of this up sometime
  6. Is that it Jim??? Come on! WE WANT MORE!!!
  7. Have you checked our hints and tips area? I post one up a while ago that is pinned at the top...
  8. The price tag is up on Lucky Model for Pre Ordering.... US$119.99! http://luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=IT%202502
  9. Thats a great looking Dio indeed! As they say a picture is a thousand words. I was thinking of doing something like that like that with my Ehmar Male Tank when I get around to it...
  10. Gus, I have the bigger brother of the TC-610H (the twin piston version)... I think that one would be perfect for what you need.
  11. I can check my kit tomorrow at work for you
  12. Perfect Ben! Now you just have figure your scheme!
  13. Ben, Pull up a Pew and Fondle the plastic next to Jim! Does a Jan 2014 Start sound good to you?
  14. Nice one Jim! I think I will have to go with Douglas Bader... So when are we kicking this off Jim?
  15. Luckily I got to see the Mossie prior to it departing NZ... What an awesome machine!
  16. I'm in for the Cat GB
  17. Gus, Mike head the nail on the re compressors... there are so many out there.. I stared out with a cheapish hobby compressor that cost me around $200/300... it was a good compressor, but it broke down after 3 years of use.. No one in NZ supported the items with parts. I got told to throw it away and buy a new one by the store that I brought from. I managed to find parts out of Germany that cost me 30 Euros and I got another 6 weeks out of it till it died again... So, I took the bullet and spent $700 on the compressor I have now. Its a Sparmax Compressor that is made in China. From all the reviews that I read, pretty much anything from Sparmax is bulletproof... and I under stand they make all the Iwata branded compressors too. So all I can recommend... is plan to spend a little bit more than you want to get something that will last and google the hell out of the brand/model number for any reviews, problems that you can find.
  18. Welcome Gus... I have 3 Airbrushes that I use... Two Tamiya ones and a Iwata I have the Tamiya HG Trigger AB with a extra large cup.. I mainly use this when I am spraying a lot of the same thing.. Primer, Varishes and I even used it on my HK B-25 due to the size of the wings and fuselage.. The other Tamiya Brush is a HGIII, this is my main brush that I use for everything. and my last one is Iwata Revolution M, which Matt has too. Its a single action AB and I mainly use it for clear coats too.
  19. Great start Peter! Personally the Hornet does nothing for me... but I love your work so I will be pulling up an pew!
  20. There are some awesome looking builds there! I bet they we tons better in person!
  21. Think Jim has a review of the 111 set coming up shortly!
  22. That D.Va and Re.8 look very familiar... I wonder where I have seen those before
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