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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Ah... You are talking about IMA Guys... Cramner & Son... Just started watching it on Nat Geo the other day!
  2. There is a review here of that kit! http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/102-132-focke-wulf-fw190-a-5-nowotny/
  3. Looks like Jennings did his homework on the subject! Here is the link to the downloadable PDF instructions.. http://www.fundekals.com/images/LuluBelle/Lulu_Belle_Inst_rev4.pdf PM inbound re P-40M...
  4. Looking further Mike, That photo is from Assam and was taken during 1943...
  5. Mikey... Looking at this photo you will want an N... But I don't know when this was taken and if they are all the same variants? Fundekals do 2nd LT Philip Adair's N-5, Lulu Belle... But if you do find that you do need an M... Let me know I know were a few are sitting!
  6. Whoohoo!!! Looking Awesome! Its starting to come alive with those D Day bands!
  7. Buy it!! And cast copies in resin and sell them!!
  8. So I am getting tired of knocking over my fully loaded airbrush, nearly every time I use it... so Lucky Model had these on Special for $10 Sparmax 3 Airbrush holder Also stocking up on some Vallejo Paints...
  9. For the P-51, you could look at the Dragon option too... Its not a that bad of a kit... but there are some issues with it...
  10. Nice! What are you using for your top coats?
  11. Fantastic Rick! Those 500 pounders with the PE look fantastic!
  12. Hi Lindsay! First thing is you say cheap.... What's the maximum you are willing to pay?? There are some great 32nd kits on the market... like most of the later Hasegawa releases... Ju 87,109's Fw190's and the Japanese fighters.. You can pick them up fairly priced at most places... Then you have your Tamiya Kits, Spitfire's, Zero and P-51... but they are worth every cent you pay!
  13. Ah Thats better! I can see them! Looking great Rick! Hmmm... That Cowl! What about adding a shim to the cowl to lengthen it?
  14. I saw it a couple of weeks ago... It was good, but it wasn't what I excepted... it was lacking something.. but I can't put my finger on it yet.
  15. Paul, I commented on your other thread that you created, But yes you can build a nicely detailed Uhu from the box... For this build I have only thrown some HGW Uhu Harness', Master Model FuG220 Antenna's at it... But I am going to get some paint masks made up as this was a test shot and didn't have any decals..
  16. You pics are missing Rick!
  17. Hopefully we will be having a look at the B-17 shortly!
  18. Paul, I would pass on most of the items... I would get the Master Models Brass antennas thou! Beautiful!
  19. Also found this photo while looking on the net... maybe this could be another marking option...
  20. I had some left over primer in my airbrush this morning.... so I have given it a quick blast... I had a little dig around in the box also and found that I have a Blast Models Stowage Set... And a Ultracast US Tanker figure
  21. Props to you for that prop! Love to see how you do it!
  22. As the title states.. Post your Completed Foreign GB builds here!
  23. Matt's problem was with the colour underneath bleeding through the top colour... a different issue... With paint crazing, I have found if, you paint a top coat over the Enamel which isn't fully dried, it will craze... The reason is, the underneath colour (Enamel) is shrinking as it dry's and it pulls the overlaying colour/varnish with it creating the crazing effect.
  24. Whoops!! Looks like I did miss that thanks for pointing that out. I will have to add those lines today. I didn't have any issues with the struts..
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