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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Lovely Work John! What issues do you come across?
  2. Yeap it's busy keeping away those pesky 109's and 190's!
  3. Congrats!! That Spit is very cool!
  4. Thanks Jeroen! That B-17 is awesome!
  5. Yea tell me about it! I have got a P-61 calling to me too!
  6. Hahaha! This is coming a long great Jeroen... I may of asked already... what scheme are you doing?
  7. Thanks Grant... I have the book that came out of, and there are other photos that had the colour treatment to them.
  8. Fantastic update update Rick!
  9. Cees.. I agree with Kobe!
  10. That is very cool!
  11. Your a man of many talents Jeroen!
  12. Nice Johan! I just pulled up my chair too!
  13. Nice Chris! Looking for to seeing that! I may join you too! I have a Hobby Boss 1/16 Tiger that I need to review and build!
  14. Fantastic Chris! Looks like your on the home stretch now! So what are you planning for the next project?
  15. Hi Dave! Welcome to our little corner of the interweb! Your Harry Tate is looking great! How's that DH.9a coming along?
  16. For those that haven't seen these yet... Tamiya has released some CAD Shots of the Birdcage!
  17. Cheers guys for the comments! A little more done on it today... Some of the plastic parts glued together... ready to be cleaned up tomorrow The wings seams have been cleaned up and the brass pilot tube has been fitted... The undersized inserts have been superglued into place now.. I think the easiest method to tackle the gaps are to fill with some plastic card and milliput to rest of the area..
  18. Paul, The P-61 is next on my list after the B-17.... I am currently working on the B-17 now
  19. I totally agree with everything you said above Matt!
  20. Its to small in width as well... Some plastic card and milliput should take care of it
  21. There normally is a rib tape on the leading edge of the wing...
  22. That Black Widow is really a nice kit! I have a sample here that I will review shortly...
  23. Started to cut out some of the Aires Cockpit components Wolfpacks Ho 5 cannon bodies attached to the Aires Bulkhead Deletion of a panel line is required... I taped of the areas and used Mr Surfacer 500 Hmmmm... Inserts no fit... I will have to use some plastic card to fill thoses gaps up
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