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Everything posted by Wouter

  1. Should be a great diorama. Will surely follow. If I might make a suggestion; you might wan't to rotate the whole setup a few (10 / 15 degrees) in relation to the base. This way you get a much more interesting setup to look at. And maybe if you can get your hands on one, add a switch between the tracks.
  2. Looks exquisit Jeroen! Very convincing snow camouflage, the Kettenkrad look properly cold.
  3. You did that on purpose! Just to play with your new 3D printer😄
  4. Looking good Jeroen!
  5. I can attest to that, mine landed on the shelf of doom for now. I started is as a quick OOB build, but please forget the 'quick' part. The cockpit needs a lot of care and patience to build. But as always it can be done. Do yourself a favor and read through THIS build log on LSP, it will make your life a lot easier (I wish I had before I started mine). Good luck and please post some updates, maybe i'll take mine back to the bench
  6. I guess it will be in the €700,- range judging by there C47/DC3 pricing. I seriously hope HKM would consider making one in IM but if not i will also put money aside fro this kit. The original message was from Vulcan32 on LSP. He is a friend of Mirek (owner of Hph0 and a reliable source. Direct quote: "And now the really good news: HPH will do my all time favourite, the Heinkel He-177 Greif. This will take some years, because there are some other planes before ( A-20, O/400, SR-71, SM-79 and 1/48 B-52), but it will happen." Link to thread: Second last message on the bottom of page 113
  7. Are you aware that HpH announced that they are working on the He177? It will take a few years ofcourse, but that one is definiteky going on my shortlist.
  8. Looks Superb Jeroen! Well done.
  9. Count me in, great idea!
  10. Visited the Dutch IPMS nationals yesterday. Wasn't planning on bying one, but could not let this deal slip... scored the HKM B17G for 160 euro ($180). All I can say; wow what a kit! I need to invest in a paint company when I start this one!
  11. No, no, no. This can't be real... please tell me this is 1/16 scale?! You're an absolutely insane man Peter. I mean, in a good way insane, but still. No words
  12. Almost at your favorite part Jeroen.... painting! Keep it up
  13. Nice! Looks like a very clean and well build model to me. Should build one myself sometime....
  14. Hi Ernie, I have the part ready for print at shapeways. I'm looking at possibilities to make it available for those interested, but it takes some time. If i get that working I will also create a little instruction sheet to go with the IP. I'll let you know
  15. Yeah, I have the same issue. If I turn my mobile to landscape, then the pictures are in the right proportion. Clicking on the pictures also works. So, it's a site issue of some sort...
  16. Well there she is. A bit late in the weekend, but finally had time to take pictures and post them here. This is my latest build. I started this build in June 2016 but it stalled due to becoming a father again, so the better part of 2017 was a lost year for modelling. Anyway, it doesn't matter, because I finished the bird! When I first heard of this conversion I had to have it. I had seen pictures of it as a kid and it always struck me as such an advanced design, almost alien like. I bought the excellent book about this plane from Cristoph Vernaleken and Martin Handig. These men have done a lot of research on this subject and their book and website http://ju388.de is invaluable if you want to model this plane. But I have to say, the book is not written with the modeler in mind. So I think that about 30/40% of my time went into research. John form AIMS did a stellar job in researching and creating the conversion, but there was still room for improvement.. With a lot of searching on the web, visiting several obscure forums, and with a little help from people here, I had enough info to make the most accurate representation of it to my ability. In the process you learn a lot about your subject which is one aspect I like about modeling. Anyway, I'm not going to repeat all the steps I have taken in the build. If you're interested you can visit my WIP-thread here on LSM: Linkor on LSP: Link where I first started my WIP. But I'll give a short summary of what I used for this build. Model: Revell Ju88 A4 Conversion: AIMS Ju388 L-1 Aftermarket: Henri Daehne propellers Anttena: scratch build with Albion Alloy fit and slide tubes Instrument panel: Designed and 3D printed instrument panel Painting: Mr. Paint (primarily) Weathering: AK Interactive Paneliner So, there you have it. Without further ado, here are the pictures. Please feel free to ask questions or give critique (don't hold back, I can take it). Wouter
  17. Just finished this build tonight! wohoo. Here´s a quick sneak preview before a proper post in the finished section.
  18. A proper utility vehicle!
  19. Such a futuristic tank, no matter how old it really is. Very well done
  20. Was going to say that. Well done sir
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