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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. You do see the occasion hot Wife / Girlfriend at Model Shows... But usually they have Jeroen's thousand-yard stare... like they've just survived hand-to-hand combat. Or the half-yearly Shoe sales. What patient creatures Women are! S
  2. Jeroen... The higher Hakenkreuz was added later at Wright Field once in the U.S. There are extant photos of the airframe taken after British capture which show only the R.A.F. fin flash and the original cross painted over. But of course, both are visible for the purposes of you build. As for Jim... no Pots or Kettles, but his Facebook page shows many Irons in the fire S
  3. It is strange that ZM missed the forward kink at the top of the Main Gear cover... but the gap on the trailing edge should be there. The Fw190 also has this missing wedge at the top of the "Fürungsshiene mit Abdeckung" triangle to allow clearance when retracting. S
  4. Recently arrived... Fw-190A Propeller set from Henri Daehne. Review to follow shortly once I figure out this image posting business.
  5. DL... You can still purchase them directly from Ettienne @ Renaissance... http://www.renaissance-models.com/ter/index.php/avions-toutes-echelles/echelle-1-32/produits/1011-fw190d-13-conversion-hasegawa S
  6. Darn you Rick... Start out looking at a Zero build, end up spending 15 minutes reading about a micro uprising on a little Hawaiian Island, which then somehow morphed into tweets from George Takei! There goes this afternoon's allotted modelling time... S
  7. Good ol' fashioned modelling skills... Don't worry about the photo quality, the work is speaking for itself. S
  8. Yes. Definitely Mike... I'm sure I can find something that fits the bill. S
  9. Agreed... Unless it has major faults or suffers the kind of negative press as the 1/32 Dragon Mustang encountered, it should be a good seller; especially in Europe and North America where the pricing will be much more attractive. Not so here in Au or the Far East, but then that's hardly Revell's priority it would seem. Interested to see whether it follows the trend of the new Me262, where they actually seem to have paid attention to the people they sought assistance from. S
  10. Hey Brian, Good to see you again. The pace moves quite a bit slower over here, but there's none of the incessant "Not another XYZ" posts that punctuate the threads on some other sites, yet the quality of the Modelling being done still manages to shine through. Life sometimes gets in the way of the hobby, but just remember to do whatever it is you do with passion. Cheers, Steve.
  11. Even more so considering the choice of '109 kit and the amount of work required to bring it up to this standard. Very well done Kent! S
  12. Fransisco, I think perhaps they are "German" Civilians, if only to be used with MiniArt's German Rail Car kit. But they are at least something completely different from the usual Military figures found in this scale. S
  13. Is fine Fab, I can't make Photobucket work either. Keep up with the details... S
  14. It's OK, they have medication now for that sort of thing. On a side note... Of the many thousands of Modellers that would have gone past the Zoukei-Mura booth at Telford last weekend, not one of you thought to ask about the status of their forthcoming Fw190 kits? S
  15. Well, I asked for one of these in a thread on this site three years ago, so as a Greek mate of mine likes to say "When the music plays, you'd better dance!" As for the Nick... name another Japanese twin done in mainstream 1/32nd scale... ever. I'll take two please. S
  16. Brilliant photos Brian! Hoses running from the bottom corner of the exhaust shrouds go out through the leading edge of the wings, to heat the ammunition trays of the cannons to prevent jamming at altitude. It is a system also used by Focke Wulf on the A and D series 190's. S
  17. I can't tell if you're being facetious or not Jim... The details from post #41: Starboard pipe is Cockpit fresh air, fed from the small scoop above the Supercharger intake. Port side tube is compressed air for Cockpit, fed from the small hole at the front inside the cowl ring, via the Kompressor... these are both separate from the Pilot's independent Oxygen supply. The tank in the middle is a coolant reservoir; while the oil tank is behind the firewall underneath this deck, beside the 30mm ammunition tank on the starboard side. The bright silver lengths and small boxes are remnants of the upper cowl guns that had once been fitted here in the previous life of this airframe. S
  18. Putting the "Special" into Special Hobby... Lovely rendition there Jim. You make it look so easy! S
  19. Don't know if it's only a problem at my end, but not getting these latest photos Brian... S
  20. Well I don't know about "Barbie doll plastic"... The ZM plastic is a tad soft (reminds me of Dragon armour kits plastic), but at least the kit is anatomically correct! Not entirely sure that I agree with that either. For me, there's even more need for real honesty in a review regarding kits that are supplied to Magazines and Websites like this... very often the kits supplied are test shots and not the finished product, and any glaring errors or fit issues can be identified by the Reviewer or SME's. A good example of why this should be the case, was the recent review of the initial release of the Eduard 1/48 scale Bf109G-6, where a particularly famous Reviewer deemed it to be "dimensionally accurate"! But back to the ZM Ta152... the more the years go by, the more it seems there were noticeable differences in the batch runs of this kit. Some Modellers seem to have fit issues, where others don't. Some seem to have plastic with softer mouldings, where again others don't. I know the the radio hatch area on my kits looks a lot crisper in detail than Paulo's. It's a little puzzling... S
  21. Lovely work Wouter, But it looks like a bit of a struggle sometimes. I did have the Ju-88 G-6 conversion, but I ended up selling it as it was just too much resin cutting for me. Good luck and keep us posted... S
  22. Beautiful work Arno, It is true what you say, if you don't say "enough" you could notice more things to add and never be finished. I like what you've done with the extra cylinders from the Eduard engine set (mine are going into a Hasegawa '190) Super! S
  23. It's not an absolute though Mike... Just a best guess based on the wing camouflage. The fuselage cross however, is of the white outline only style as seen on some 412xxx / 413××× Erla G-6's... of which some examples are known to have had the square canopy / tall tail combination (Werk Nr.412951 for example). So tall tail is still a possibility... S
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