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Everything posted by BevanBrooks

  1. Your killing me Ted I want to see how this turned out. If the fuzzy pics are anything to go by pretty damn nice Cheers Bev
  2. How many rounds of masking did you say that was again lol! Neat and tidy, on to the markings great stuff mate. Bevo
  3. Pulling up a seat Ralph. Dont reckon you can jinx this build mate, airframe looks like it's gone together very nicely. Cheers!
  4. Great attention to detail, I wish I had your patience!! Bevan
  5. Yep nice and dirty, just the way I like'em! Nice work. Cheers Bevan
  6. Love the effects on the control surfaces, great stuff. Bevan
  7. That's looking the business. Great stuff. Did you spray the worn effects over the whole model or just where you wanted to chip? Cheers Bevan
  8. Nice work Pete!! And you're welcome. Cheers Bevan
  9. Hi Pete, you could try cutting the head armour off, cutting the cross brace and point of the "v" so you have two halves. Make a spacer piece to get the correct width. At least you'll keep the frame work in scale and hopfully minimal paint work............ just my 2cents worth. Cheers Bevan. Ps hows the 109E coming along?
  10. Looking sharp Ted. I usually use a rivet wheel but would love to do just one kit with a beading tool, it looks a lot more realistic. Keep us posted. Cheers Bevan
  11. Inspiring stuff Johan, I like your style of paint work. Cheers Bevan
  12. This is looking very cool so far!!
  13. Hi Ted, thanks. Nothing fancy about the setup just a fugifilm finepix j20 set on auto with the macro function on, flurecent light and a black background. A little editing as well!! Cheers Bevan.
  14. Hi Pete awesome work. I really like the Ta 152 pit, pretty realistic. Hopefuly you can update us sooner rather than later on your builds...........as well as the Corsair. Cheers Bevan
  15. Hi guy's, been a while in between drinks. The exhausts were painted h76 burnt iron with xf2 flat white added then matte coated. Burnt umber pastel dust was rubbed in and affixed with an xf85 rubber black enamel wash. Then matte coated again. A thicker application of the xf 85 wash was applied around the base of the stubs. 2b grey lead was touched along the edges of the openings and finally the openings themselves were blacked out. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Cheers Bevan
  16. Loving your work! Cheers Bevan
  17. Your attention to detail is fantastic. Your weathering is very realistic and a joy to look at. Cheers Bevan
  18. Very nice Cheers Bevan
  19. Pretty awesome! Love the colour variation in the paint work. What paints and final varnish did you use? Cheers Bevan
  20. Hi, have a look on page 3 of finished work, it was finished some time ago. Cheers Bevan
  21. Photobucket didnt screw up I did. I deleted the photos from my album to make more room not realising that they would be deleted from here as well, a rookie mistake!! I've still got all the photos in a file on the computer though. Sorry for the inconveniance, there are however pics of the finished model in the finished projects section. Cheers Bevan
  22. Cheers guy's. The wheel hubs were painted with xf1 flat black and the tires with a mix of xf85 rubber black and xf2 flat white. I then sealed them with a coat of acrylic clear. Next I gave them a pin wash of Tamiya enamel xf 10 flat brown, sealed with clear. I sprayed a thin mix of black around where the tire meets the hub. I then thinned some xf24 dark grey with a drop of flat white and lightly tried to highlight the bulged part of the tire, again sealed with clear. With the xf10 flat brown and xf57 buff enamel I touched here and there for a bit of grubbiness followed by some white oil paint over the whole lot. 2b grey lead pencil was used on the edges for a bit off chipping. This was all coated with Testors model master flat acrylic clear. The prop blades were painted with Gunze RLM 70 black green and given a wash of white oil paint. Sealed with testors flat, the pencils came out for some scratches. .............and I gotta say, pretty average shots of the props! Cheers Bevan
  23. Epic build! Kudos to you. Bevan
  24. Hi, yes the RLM 81 is a custom mix Gunze H421 RLM 81 1ml Tamiya xf9 Hull Red 4 drops RLM 76 Tamiya xf23 1 ml Tamiya xf 2 flat white 20 drops This mix was used on the ailerons wing and tail plane tops. Bottom engine cowling was Gunze RLM76 out of the jar Hope this helps
  25. Great work so far, can't wait to see the paint start flying Cheers Bevan
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