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Everything posted by BevanBrooks

  1. That is fantastic. Lighting up the interior is a way cool idea...........sharp! Cheers Bevan
  2. Wow that is really cool! I'm reading about 617's Tornados in Iraq/Afganistan at the moment. Bevan
  3. Dave, that is just gorgeous. Love the weathering it just looks so good! Cheers Bevan
  4. Love the fine demarcation between colours a dab hand for sure!! Always a pleasure to see your work Mike. Cheers Bevan
  5. Nice one Mikey, very well executed. Cheers Bevan.
  6. Now that's just gorgeous Dan. I love the green camo on the cowling and gun cover, it looks just right. How did you do that? AWESOME Bevan
  7. Great job on that little bird. One of these was flying at the Avalon air show down here in Melbourne along with a Spitty and Kitty Hawk. Cheers Bevan
  8. Nice work........! I'm even lazier than you Mike, I paint the ends of the kit ones black!!
  9. Ah! A Feb baby eh! Hope you had a great day mate. Cheers Bevan
  10. Love this. Great modelling and great dio, you could easily see this as a period b/w photo. Cheers Bevan
  11. Just started to cut plastic on this one the other night. Also have both Barracuda decal sheets, some inspiring schemes but difficult to make a choice. Looking forward to more. Cheers Bevan
  12. I'm a little miffed as to why the decals are one piece in the kit, makes more sense if they were separate. Ah well it is what it is, glad you've got a remedy. cheers Bevan
  13. Mind bogglingly amazing, props to you. Cheers Bevan
  14. Hi Paul, a length of fuse wire was used. I made a loop about half way along its length and then continued coiling that half around the rest of the length. So what you end up with is a loop, coils and a length of wire hanging out of the coils which I made into a hook to attatch to the aerial mast. Hope this helps Cheers Bevan
  15. Such neat and tidy work....it is a credit to you mate. I guess you could sand back the wrinkles in the gear door and shoot some red? The landing flap I kinda like!! cheers Bevan.
  16. Hasegawa"s d9 built from the box. I added rivets, extra plumbing to the engine, seat belts from lead wire, brass tubing gun barrels and invisible mending thread for the antenna wire. Happy with the results although the photos could do with some work!! Link to the build thread http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/2881-hasegawa-132-fw-190-d9/ Thanks for looking Cheers Bevan
  17. Never built anything armour wise but cant help but be impressed with how you guys go about it super stuff Paul. Cheers Bevan
  18. Looking really good. Cant wait for flat coat and weathering Cheers Bevan
  19. Cool! Amazing how some colour can change the look. Great stuff mate. Bevan.
  20. Staring at the screen in utter amazement. Went and bought some brass sheet after reading this thread, yet to use though. Great stuff!! Cheers Bevan
  21. Hi Cruzz, great work. I think you have captured the weathering just right. I especially love the weathering around the wing roots and fading outward. The chipping is really nice as well, not overdone. I admire your skills . Cheers Bevan
  22. Great thread Jeroen, would'nt be able to bring myself to do US markings though. Great stuff, cant wait to see it finished. Cheers Bevan
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