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Everything posted by BevanBrooks

  1. Well done! The camo looks great. "Rookie"? .....look out people! Cheers Bevan
  2. Great to see this one finished, would've been hard to hold back on the weathering I bet. I think a very realistic result and a unique scheme to boot..... well done! I don't think I'll be up there when the show is on doh! Bevan
  3. Stunning as usual Ralph, we can only hope there is more "shelf of doom" action to come if this is what we're in for! Going to have to have a go at that thin tape effect, maybe on the D9 that's on the bench. Bevan
  4. Forgot about this one, really like the look of it. Now you need a Spitfire in German markings ha ha! Bevan
  5. Wowzers, you have been busy. Hope the Boags is flowing freely. Looks awesome. The thin tape work gives that something extra, I like the way it shows through in the fuselage star. Cheers Bevan
  6. He's one of the masters thats for sure!
  7. Valued alright!! I cant see why someone would be banned for being knowledgeable about a certain subject when the information can help so many modellers. Information like this saves trauling through all my books...... although a good excuse to!! Cheers Bevan
  8. Steve... thanks! You are a wealth of information, very usefull. Man, if I need to know something about 109's your going to be the man to ask, awesome stuff!! Cheers Bevan
  9. Cool. Thanks Dave. So basically you can make the f2 from this boxing is that correct?? Cheers Bevan
  10. Very interesting.... looking forward to seeing where you take this Ralph. Bevan
  11. Thanks for the info guys much appreciated, Steve: Is there any difference between early and late f2's? Could some of the late f2's received the larger supercharger intake as well as the larger oil cooler as the f4 was being introduced into production? Dave: any idea off the top of your head what the sprues would be worth? Cheers Bevan
  12. I reckon that looks pretty cool Brad. Grey ol day alright not to mention the last few weeks!! Cheers Bevan
  13. Appologies if this has already been discussed, was wondering if the f4 can be built as an f2 easily enough. There are just to many good schemes out there for both. If its a case of tail stiffeners and some filling and scribing then Im home and hosed! But Im tipping its a bit more involved than that. Any help much appreciated Cheers Bevan
  14. Hey Ralpf, looking forward to seeing more progress....... any wip's of the cockpit. Cheers Bevan
  15. Great stuff Mike. Looks like you've got a good grasp on the airbrush, that camo looks great. Cheers Bevan
  16. Following this one with interest Jeroen. Cheers Bevan
  17. Love that scheme John, plenty going on. Cant wait to see some paint on her. Cheers Bevan
  18. Nice work on that Ralph.What are you going to use your new found skills on next? Cheers Bevan
  19. Thankyou everyone for your kind comments......... appreciated. Cheers Bevan
  20. In the home straight now, looking good. Cheers Bevan
  21. Jeez Dave I thought they were airbrushed.........noice!! Ralph, you can also buy pastels from the art supply shop. They usually have a huge range of colours, just use a blade to scrape off what you need. Cheers Bevan
  22. Nice! How did you go with the upper wing to fuselage join? Cheeers Bevan
  23. Hi guy's, Bronco's 1/35 V1 piloted flying bomb as a quick little build in between projects just to get something finished! The model practically fell together, the only thing being the locating pins and holes were so tight I couldn't completely close the fuselage. A little trimming of the pins and drilling of the holes and it was sorted. Excuse the seat belts it seems the super glue has let go for some reason. Paints used were Gunze H417 RLM76, H423 RLM83 and for the RLM 81 I used Vallejo 70887 Brown Violet. The model was sealed with automotive acrylic clear thinned with gp thinner before the squiggle pattern was applied. The Vallejo was thinned with metholated spirits. I had to be careful with this as I could just wipe it off with my finger but came in handy when tidying up the squiggles. Re sealed with clear. I used Tamiya flat black and red brown as a wash, wont be doing that again!! Flat coat is Model Master Acrylic Flat Coat. Weathering was achieved with sharp Derwent coloured pencils a little pastel dust and some sponging of the Vallejo Brown Violet. The trolley was painted with Tamiya Field Grey and weathered with pastels, oil wash and grey lead pencil. Thanks for looking cheers Bevan.
  24. Dave, really really nice work, especially the exhaust stains and fuel stains in front of the cockpit. Did you add the fuel stains over your flat coat cheers Bevan
  25. Rick, will definitely be worth it in the end. Great work on the pit and engine. Cheers Bevan
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