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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Don't be sorry I love helicopters....
  2. I heard that Edmonton was in for 20 cm's!
  3. Yeah, 1966............... Gaz, you were born in '66?? I have underwear old than that !
  4. My wife told me it was either her or the car................................... I'm gonna miss her....
  5. For Peter...... Piper Super Cub on floats in ALASKA.................... yup pretty good I'd say....
  6. Here you go Carl, research done, just order it..... I mean order TWO !
  7. "Might"?????? Again I see dad making a trip to IKEA THIS time..........................
  8. Not only will you be stepping over 'kits', sounds like you are going to be stepping over "KIDS" as well.....
  9. EXPENSIVE cars too..................... boys after MY own heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. NOT 'exactly' Float "planes" ................ but they float................ you knew I had to do this................ right?
  11. So as I am an enamel guy, I am supposing that can be used as well as you mention........ I am trying to step into the 'dark' side of acrylics, but as my past experience wasn't good ( years ago before new technology) I am hesitant to step into the deep end of the pool....... Thanks for putting it in layman's terms too..... I will most likely give that go.............
  12. OH..................... to be 50 again .........................................and Peter NO you are NOT that old because I'M not that old................ didn't this movie come out last month??? Time sure flies................ 53 years ago...... 1966 holy.....
  13. Carl................ does that mean John is 'predictable'?? I, along with the rest of the crew will watch this with great interest, and as usual I'm sure to learn anew technique or two...... looking forward to this one for sure....
  14. Boy................ no kidding................. what ever happened to good old common sense? I'm sure we don't need to be 'protected' from EVERYTHING................... do we?? I 100% agree with you....
  15. You guys......................... I am SO GLAD, I'm NOT the only one who sees this...........it's really too bad I can't get up on my soap box and lament how I feel about today's politicians............ Vancouver BC has mandated 0 emission new cars to be the only ones for sale by 2030..............so with everyone NOT wanting to build dams here ( we have LOTS of water) we aren't allowed to use coal, although we have mountains of it, and we sure as Hell will NEVER have nukes........ they keep TELLING us to SAVE electricity ( I can't get that through my thick skull as it is just WATER going down a pen-stock turning a turbine........................ how do you 'save' that? anyway............) so as WUMM says , we don't have the infrastructure to make this work efficiently and God Help you if you live rurally like I do.................. what are we to do...............plug the car into a 'currant bush"???? So I can safely say the good old days of a BIG BLOCK 427 /435 horse L-71 tri-power days are gone?
  16. It was MUCH easier to take a photo of this Super Cub when he was taxiing, same bird as before, Chena River near Fairbanks Alaska
  17. I was going to say the exact same thing................... Dad will be making a trip to Canadian Tire for a NEW Lock ! That's funny Carl, I am so glad they are taking up the hobby.................. for now that is................... girls , cars and beer will soon make an appearance, but it is giving them skills now, awesome , Buddy !
  18. HERE HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Oh Geez you're right I NEVER would have thought of that NOT me....
  20. HAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like father like son !!!!
  21. BUT COMPLAINING makes me feel better !!
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