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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I'm looking forward to that, as I say I will learn something here and that is always good, especially from a Master..... you have awesome skills.....
  2. I'm sure you won't be disappointed....
  3. me too Harv, the only thing I have is the rattling in my head of my brain banging around as I shake my head in amazement............... this build is nothing short of incredible....
  4. THIS is why I never get anything done.................................... I'm too busy sitting here in awe with my mouth open watching the finer details being overcome by feats of engineering I would NEVER have thought of......................... like Martin says, Brilliant....................
  5. Geez, Ernie, that looks good................... has Mike got to the decals yet?
  6. I sure don't know where I was in January, I missed this completely, hence to all the 'likes' today........................ John, I'm with Gaz, I don't see anything 'that' bad, but I understand all your builds are damn near perfect, so a small glitch would bug you..................so I am watching with interest how you fix this little detail, and I will learn something good here....
  7. damn........... i'm an FSX guy...........................
  8. aaawwwwwwweeeeee.................................... c'moooooooonnnnnnnnnn....................................... ppllleeeeeaaaaasssseeee???
  9. ah.................................... 'slowly'......................... not a word I would associate with your builds, John............. always an impressive sight.........
  10. By any chance do you do 'paints' for FSX? Or just the combat ones ?
  11. I thought it was ONLY ME that got pi$$ed off with idiots on the road.................. we , here in Canada, have a very successful Television show all about shitty drivers............. what does that tell you?? And we 'seem' to be somewhat proud of it.................................... huh............................... https://www.discovery.ca/Shows/Canadas-Worst-Driver Yes, I love the guy who wants to pull out onto the road ( carriageway) has lots of clear space and waits until I'm about 2 car lengths away then pulls out and farts along at about 1/2 speed...... had a woman do that to me one day when I was humming along in a truck and pup, ( Dump truck and dump trailer) semi, and I was LOADED with VERY HOT black top, and I was going 55 mph, and I was very heavy ( legal heavy, but HEAVY) ........................................... she never stopped at the STOP sign, all I can say to her is she should be VERY pleased I did a good pre-trip inspection on my semi truck that day and adjusted my brakes well........................................ I feel your pain Gaz
  12. AND I seem to be paying his WAGES !
  13. Holy cow, those are nice...................... and very quickly done................ I'm totally impressed.....
  14. I need a tutorial on the chipping method....................................... when you have time............ the fuel tanks look excellent...
  15. You're giving Phil a TENT ??
  16. You guys all get such cool stuff.........................
  17. $1.73/liter in Vancouver yesterday they say........................and rising they say............highest in Canada they say..............no relief they say.......... who are 'they' to say??
  18. Geeeezzzz, I liked Delores..................... better,,,................................... just sayin.........................
  19. HOLY Rat Dung ............... this is good..... I'm lovin this, and yes your resources are the good ones, I have some of them as well.....
  20. Yeah, I agree, I think Mike nailed it too...... your kit will look really good with his goodies on it......
  21. https://forum.keypublishing.com/forum/historic-aviation/93366-lancaster-fm104-canadian-air-and-space-museum check this out Ernie, also might be something of interest as this is FM104, and scroll all the way down, there are a good number of pics.....
  22. No , probably not, but they are on a 2 stage Merlin.................. http://www.lancaster-archive.com/lanc_main_page.htm Might be some drawings here, there seems to be a LOT of info to digest here, not sure if you know about this site or not, but it may be worth a quick scan....
  23. Not sure if this is of any help Ern, maybe just more mud in the water, but this is the exhaust pipes from our two stage Merlin from our Mosquito
  24. Looks like the theater is getting full Peter..... I sent Harv for beer and popcorn, don't know where he got to??
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