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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Sweet !! I love the base as well ... superb job, you can almost feel that sticky, claggy mud!
  2. Great stuff Mike! Who doesn't love a Tiger ??!!
  3. Superb Typhoon Ralph .. (Man, you're a modelling machine - fantastic stuff).
  4. Stunning result Jim .... I agree with everyone else, it certainly shows that the "Pfeil" was no small and nimble machine! The Arado looks terrific!
  5. AND ... I assume ... you can take WIP stills from the camera as well?? Brilliant idea Matt (why am I surprised??)
  6. This looks GREAT Dave! It'd be wicked if you could add a video clip of it moving at some stage
  7. Ah!! Jeroen ... this is another of your builds that heading towards "one of your best" that I so richly enjoy watching come together. Where'd you get the nifty stand on which you're using for painting etc? Great stuff my friend .. great stuff. Grant PS:- Seeing you skip through the doors of the Telford International Centre like an 8 year old because of having bought this kit will be an image hard to expunge from the memory! Wow, you were camp!
  8. Peter, You never fail to surprise us with the topics you choose and then amaze us with your phenomenal buildings skills .. you are, truly, a Master Modeller; that's a fact that I believe cannot be denied. It was great seeing you at Telford along with all your unique and essential products. I'm so glad I "discovered" this extraordinary thread ... so glad that I can once again be enthralled with what you achieve. Grant
  9. It's looking good Danny! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more. The figures will be a brilliant addition....
  10. You have to hand it to them, ZM certainly put themselves out there don't they? This is yet another example of ZM answering the wishes of modellers who want something outside the ordinary. As always Jim, you've written another superb review; I truly hope that Zoukei Mura continues showcasing their work via LSM directly - they won't get more in depth review anywhere else on the web (as far as I know!). Grant PS: Great photos too!
  11. Great start Aaron! I'll be following this for sure. Grant
  12. Oh, I'm glad to hear that Mal, these will definitely be epic kits and that extra special touch will do no harm either ! Can't wait. Grant
  13. Now that is SWEET ! When do you think it will be available for sale?? Grant
  14. Blimey Adrien! Another beautiful build. I've fond memories of the DC3 having flown in a couple "in another life". When you board you just HOPE your seat isn't too far to the front because, when it's on the ground, it's like a mountain hike getting to your seat! Grant
  15. Thanks Danny . .it's very kind of you to mention AW and me ! Grant. PS: I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures Danny .. can I add them to the Arrow Wolf Customer Gallery?? (Arrow Wolf has a new motto .. "Don't Clap! Throw Money")
  16. Wow!! This is insanely wonderful modelling !! I'm speechless Adrien .. wow. Is that "Bugatti" blue you've used ?? It's a gorgeous colour Grant
  17. Sweet !! Nicely done Sir!
  18. I agree with Didier! 100% Siemens Schuckert for me too - great colour schemes, 4 blade propeller - what's not to like. Any other flying-boat Zeppelin Gondola (maybe attached to a suitably sized section of the "dirigible")
  19. Stunning - stunning - stunning !!
  20. If I remember correctly Ralph, don't you have to be quite quick with the Nail Polish remover?, I seem to recall that it can eat into the plastic. So long as you don't flood it you're ok, just dampen a cotton bud and give a ol' good swipe and you're away!
  21. Sweet! Well spotted in those intakes Ralph.
  22. Fantastic subject matter Ralph! I remember building Matchbox's Tiger Moth and being hugely proud of it. Never could get over the varied colours of the sprues and parts though .. never figured why they did that I agree with Cees, your choice of subject matter is superb.
  23. Do you need Master's radar accessory?
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