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Everything posted by Artful69

  1. I really don't know how to answer that question, Cees ... since you already seem to have a set of assumptions in place ... I guess I could type out a whole list of plans here ... yet this isn't really the thread for it. Rog
  2. Thanks Steve I'm very impressed with Johns detail ... Although, looking through the box, I'm going to have to email him a bunch of questions and for some directions as my skill set leaves me unsure on how to proceed with a lot of it. Rog
  3. Is that your stash behind you? impressive! Rog
  4. A few things inbound at present ... Those that have arrived include: An AIMS G-6 conversion for a Revell Ju.88 ... not sure which kit I'll have to use at present ... but this is one of the original releases with quite a few marking/decal options ... so I can get another from John at some point: Next ... the HK Mosquito ... ... And the Tamiya effort ... More in a couple of weeks Rog
  5. That is NO monster, Eric!!! Rog
  6. It's not a negative thing to only have 14 subscriptions to this point ... The industry is so 'rumour fuelled' ... and more than a few people have been 'burned' with announcements that never came to fruition, so there will always be that scepticism. Even Tamiya (A VERY well reputed company in the industry) was rumoured to have a 1/32 Mosquito in the pipeline 12 months before it was announced and the majority of the community was sceptical until it became official. No-one has seen any of your castings - I'm quite sure that once you display quality prototype masters / shots for visual reference ... you'll gain momentum with pre-orders ... nothing says 'we're serious' like moulded plastic / resin! ... and remember ... those pic's may take time to circulate! ... It might be worth extending your deadline if you end up with 65-70 preorders ... Rog
  7. Just remember folks ... That if this kit hits the market ... and if it makes a name for itself (and the company) ... ... that the Blenheim was a precursor to the Beaufort .... and therefore the Beaufighter - which has gained a rather large 'wishlist' following in 1/32, the variant possibilities of which, are endless. I wonder if this pair might be on their radar for the future also?? Just a thought! Rog
  8. Ohhhh nice! ... I love to see these HK Models kits go together!! Rog
  9. I don't want to sound completely sceptical!! ... A little is healthy - a lot is not, like being a dark cloud raining on everyones parade. I may just take the punt anyway - they'll be posting up numbers on their website of those who've invested and updating them regularly ... I'll wait and see - If it gathers momentum and it looks like they'll reach their target, I'll shell out some cash. Apparently ... the story is (from what I've read around the various forums): that they'd like to release two LSP kits per year and two large scale engines as well - and this Blenheim (and it's Canadian counterpart) are the first crack at the market. From bits I've read ... the idea is to produce kits that are in demand and that not a lot of manufacturers will take the punt to make on their own investment. Certainly, crowd funding the first effort is a wise choice - I have no problem with someone asking others, who are pleading for a Blenheim, to put their money where their mouth is! It could, possibly, turn out that if the first few runs are successful and they generate enough investment capital ... we'll end up with another "Fly Model" type company producing the Combo IM/Resin kits that others refuse to make the investment on. This is a good thing! ... And may - finally - bring me closer to the 1/32 Do.17z that I'm so desperately craving!! Rog
  10. ... I'm almost willing to take the punt ... $60.00 is neither here nor there as far as being out of pocket in the short term ... But I agree - no kit should equal no money!! most especially for international buyers who stand to lose out on the exchange rate! ... My other reason for scepticism is below ... ... Well ... It's not completely resin, bro ... apparently there's some plastic in there as well ... The main problem for me is that we've got no previous releases to go off ... what will their kit turn out like?? I can't say I'd speak for everyone here, ok? ... But I'm inclined to think that the benchmark for complete resin kits would be HpH?? So for a detailed twin engined kit - with the lot, in good quality ... 170.00 - 200.00 EUR The vac form canopy is a turn off - I'd expect a resin one, at least, in this day and age - bearing in mind that this is a complete kit, not a conversion - no matter how well done! ... and yet still ... the subject matter is attractive!! ... decisions, decisions ... Rog
  11. Jase ... Lovely review ... my kit is in a holding pattern waiting for the Tamiya kit to arrive at the store, so they can both be sent together. Love this kit!! ... Loved when I saw it in all it's raw beauty via Telford photos ... Loved it when (with some feedback) they went back to work to fix up a couple of issues prior to release ... and still loving it now! I really wish some of the Tamiya 'Fanboys' with their doomsday premonitions, advice etc would go take a cold shower! Well detailed, accurate and ingeniously engineered - Jase (and HK Models) we thank you! Rog
  12. Oh ... Yeaaaaah! Rog
  13. Well ... It's that time again! ... I was hoping everything on order would be around by now ... but Tamiya's hanging back with their Mosquito ... Meanwhile these have arrived ... Annoying (and never changing!) is the flimsy side opening box from Revell ... I'm glad Spruebrothers pack their international packages fairly well ... these two didn't come through completely unscathed though - boxes slightly squeezed , yet the goods are sound I thought I might give one of the AIMS Ju-88 Conversions a go at some point ... so I ordered another Ju.88 kit ... Via Amazon For some reason, it's come in the Pro-Modeler format instead of the ROG one that I ordered ... No matter - It's the same kit in better boxing! (are you hearing me Revell????) While grabbing that pair of Fw.190's from Sprue' I tagged the latest Trumpy '109 into the order ... knock 'em all you want - Trumpeter at least knows how to pack 'em ... Last ... Not too far off now, with the AFV's ... I'm basically looking around for old stock of the newer tooled Dragon gear minus the DS Tracks (i.e. with Magic Tracks instead) This one turned up in China for reasonable $$ ... A king Tiger (Ardennes Pz.Abt 501) with a couple of sets of Fallschirm figures in box!! Rog
  14. ... the kit makers seek him ... everywhere!!
  15. ... and here I am sticking my hand up ... hell!! both hands up, jumping up and down, waving - shouting "Pick, me ... pick, me!!!" Rog
  16. Steve ... Would you consider running a comparo' on the Hasegawa V's Revell kit for us? (I'm inclined to trust your judgement!) ... A complete knob did one elsewhere - it started well, but went south pretty quickly. because he couldn't admit error and ridiculed everyone else ... I'll be happy to forward you a Revell kit for the job - assuming you've got a comparable Hasegawa kit??? Rog
  17. Good Grief sir!!! ... Please consider using Sprue Bro's or Amazon ... Even with postage I paid less than $50 AUD!!! Metro's must be on drugs charging that! ... Shame is - they'll nab it from un-expecting clientele too! Rog
  18. Along with a small serving of Henri Daehne props and spinners (I'm assuming you'd get the tongue-in-cheek referencing here James!!!) ... these would make an awesome 190! ... Thanks very much! Rog
  19. Ahhh ... Yes ... I guess this makes some sense now - My Storch does have the engine block and it can be clearly seen through that air intake. I can't really see all of it, though. I guess it might have made more sense (to me) to make the cowl with posable panels so you could display to all that sweetly moulded HpH hardware ... either that or provide a detailed engine 'front section' for the enclosed cowl detail. either way ... no complaints! ... just curious Rog
  20. This is, of course, yet another excellent review ... What I don't get ... is the time and effort in designing, casting and providing individual engine components for a complete and hollow shot cowl?? James ... any insight on this one? Rog
  21. I actually PM'd Mirek via another forum about this ... sometime around the end of last year/early this year. About two aircraft in particular: About one of them, a Ju-52, Mirek had this to say: "We had long discussion with Jiri about Ju-52. It is really good idea, but with our technology it is not possible to do it. Resin is inappropriate material for Ju-52 with here surface. To keep good details and keep stability of finished model :-(. And with laminate it is not possible thanx his fatness. It is of course stabile material but too fat to provide good details. Then the only way is a 3D model and molded plastic. In this time we have some contact to do it, but it is expensive way. First prices estimate for this project is 300.000 EUR. (3D model, forms, all accessories .... and 5.000 finished boxes). So that are some infos." The other was a kit I've desired since Revell issued it's Ju.88 and He.111 - A Do.17z ... Frustrating!!! A/ Because it's an obvious kit for Revell to produce as IM - in succession to those previous releases. B/ It appears no-one else will touch it - because it's so obvious for Revell to do it!!! To quote Mirek ... "The Do.17 is possible to do. Expected enduser price is around 220 EUR, To start this project is to order 200 boxes, each for 135 EUR (without VAT) and to pay 6.000 EUR downpayment. Then you will received first amount of boxes. The rest step by step. That are basic conditions. the rest we can discussed later. The question is Revell? Could it be?" So there you go Rog
  22. ... And here I'm thinking "Why the hell would you need to upgrade a Tamiya cockpit??" ... geez we must be a fussy lot! Then, of course, I did the dumb thing - and read on! ... W-O-W! ... the casting here is looking like HpH stuff ... In fact there's an awful lot of resin getting around with that grade of quality moulding nowadays ... James ... you were labelling: Wallet 1, Wallet 2 etc ... and I was thinking "My poor bloody Wallet!! ... or, waitaminute ... is that actually how many wallets you need to purchase this stuff??" Seriously good, stuff Rog
  23. Darn! ... And I was hoping to avoid this purchase ... I should have known it'd be that good having a 410 and a Walrus ... I'll have to resist until after the Lanc, though!! Thanks for taking the time, James Rog
  24. Reading through your OP - and the rest of this thread ... This stuff was the 1st thing that came to mind - It really does look awesome ... An inbox review and WIP thread is in order once your sea container arrives Rog
  25. Ahhh time ... the cruel mistress we serve!! I take it the Swordfish is the Trumpeter 1/32 one? ... If so, great choice!! - It's one of Trumpeters better kits (accuracy and design wise!) Rog
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