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Everything posted by Artful69

  1. Maybe it's because of the taste of sourness of how the deal went down ... but awaiting for my kits to arrive now has lost the usual excitement. This is one time I actually didn't step back and wait to purchase a new kit ... (eg: I only just ordered a 1/32 He.219 UHU yesterday! - a ZM one) ... probably should have waited for the Special Hobby one!! All that said ... I'm interested to see if Cees has any issues in the build! Rog
  2. ... well ... drilling, actually ;) ... waiting for new updates to see how yours builds up Cees (mine's currently on route!) Rog
  3. Very, VERY nice review Dave ... I am sure that you absolutely hate having to get review kits like this one in the mail and tediously walk through all those awesome looking sprues, instructions and (not so surprising by now) little extras that most kits leave you going after AM for! - Oh! The pain! - but you've soldiered through it like a trooper and brought us a quality look at a significant kit ... Kit of the year? ... I kind of think that this title should be split across a few categories to be fair ... As far as the title for "Mass produced IM kit" goes, it surely would make a finals contender! ... As too, the Zoukei-Mura He.219 UHU would for "Boutique limited run IM kit" ... Both certainly offer plenty of bang for buck as far as value is concerned and have great amounts of intricate detail. I've been sitting on the bench with this one, as far as purchasing the darned the thing is concerned - but this review may just tip the scales - especially since the kit won't have to be overly reworked to make an FAA option!! (PTO are kind of off subject for me - at present) - I've done enough searching around for decals in the last 48 hours to remember seeing FAA decals around somewhere. Again ... really well done, Dave ... Rog
  4. Heya Mike ... Thanks a lot I got onto his page earlier this morning, but it looked kind of dodgey without contact details etc! Guys from another forum have vouched for the site and told me who he was!! - and pointed these decals out for me as well ... I'll give a flick through some of his other stuff before I place my order on Monday next week (pay day!) ... I know Eagle Editions do a sheet with Walter Nowotnys' markings on them too ... I should be getting out of this a lot cheaper than I initially envisioned ... being able to buy standard A-5's and A-8's, some AM decals and even upgrade sets!! ... now all I need to grab is an F-8!! Thanks Rog
  5. Had a good look around on the Eagle Editions webpage - Nope! "Eagle Strike" are they called?? ... well they have a set listed back into antiquity(#32-063) with Bar's stuff on the sheet ... but no joy on e-bay or Amazon for them! ... will keep looking but so far - Nada! Thanks for the input though, Dave Appreciated!! Rog
  6. Ok people ... All this started while chasing Hasegawa 1/32 FW-190A-series kits ... There's the standard mass produced A-5 and A-8 variants that are in numerous supply ... But when we get into "Limited Edition" A-5,6,7 & 8 runs there's not much left around - without paying ridiculous amounts of coin!! ... and then there's the A-7 "Bar" I saw on e-bay from a French seller who is happy to ship worldwide (apparently). He want's 75.00 Euros for it plus another 39.70 (cough, cough, cooooooough!) for postage to Australia! ... I figured that - minus VAT (me, being outside of Europe) I would wear the $150.00 AUD that all that would cost ... but the little so-and-so wouldn't remove it!! after reading this review - http://modelingmadness.com/review/axis/luft/weir32190.htm ... I have realised that I can adapt the readily available A-8 ... IF I can score the correct 1/32 decals ... if only to prove to the said 'Frenchman' that I can go around him - just like the Wehrmacht did in 1940 (so there!) So ... to the point ... I need a full set of 1/32 decals for Heinz Bar's FW190A-7 ... including the famous Knights Cross + Oak Leaves for the rudder, preferably with a painting chart ... anyone either got some or know where I can get them?? Rog
  7. A fair bit of scratch building required for detailing I should think ... so definately not my cuppa!
  8. Not another ... Nice piece of work Nick!!
  9. Yesterday I received the first elements of 'The Birthday Stash Splurge - Pt.2' Just in are: * A Dragon 1/35 Pz.IV Ausf.H (w/zimmerit) * A HK Models 1/32 B-17G ... Rog Edit: P.S. ... I spoke too soon!! Another parcel arrived this morning containing: * A Dragon 1/35 Pz.III Ausf.N (w/schurzen) * A Dragon 1/35 Pz.IV Ausf.E (Vorpanzer) * A Dragon 1/35 Pz.IV Jagdpanzer L/70 (w/zimmerit)
  10. True, true!!! Didn't mean to hijack it! ... but at least it didn't turn into a mess of conspiracy theories on industrial espionage - as on another such topic, on another forum ;) ... congrats to HK on another kit! Rog
  11. Er ... all I can say is ... wow! Rog
  12. Agreed guys!!! ... Revell put out the Ju-88 and the Heinkel in (relatively) quick sucession and I guess everyone was expecting the Do-17z to follow - I know I was!! Totally gutted when they didn't! ... and even more surprised when no-one stepped in to fill the gap! - talk about a target of opportunity! ... and considering HK's history with bigger stuff, I'd definately say they got the wrong Dornier ... pity! Well ... I live in hope! Rog
  13. Ohhh another Do-17 fan!!!! ... we must all unite to force the hands of those who would deny us!!! HK are making the wrong one! Rog
  14. Nice score Grant!!
  15. lol Grant ... Wait till you see whats coming in the mail over the next month!! ... quite a bit more than whats on here to date!! (a couple still on route from the UK, Some stuff from USA and some from over east) ... still some left in the budget though for some more kits and AM: PE, correction sets, barrels, decals and tracks!! although the rate of purchases will be slowing down just a tad Rog
  16. Hey Ed ... nice work!!! ... thank you very much for the photos!! I have received mixed advice in regards to my project (from other forums) ... a lot of people are suggesting to stick with the Eduard kit as there are some fit issues with the Cyber Hobby cowl also. I find this weird as the only fit issue I experienced (building an E-4) was that of sliding the cover over the MG-17s?!? ... Anyway - apparently - the issue with the Eduard kit isn't too hard to remedy?!? So that is the only real sticking point for me ... The cost factor is not much of an issue ... Cyber Hobby kit + eduard cockpit PE = (approx) Eduard Profi E-1 ... and I like the wheel wells of the CH kit more. Rog
  17. Mmmmm Dave ... I've never seriously looked at a scale larger than 1/35 for armour so I don't know if there is anything cast available. But to answer your question ... pretty much anything and everything can get chucked on for stowage ... Jerry cans were 'caged' on rear or side decks - or strapped to the top or sides of the turret in some cases ... any variety of odds and ends were stashed around the hull while in transit - from spare track links to personal items (tents, bedrolls etc) - which is why the 'Rommel-bins' came into vogue (to help clear the 'personal' clutter) ... A whole bunch of variants had bins installed - which is why I went chasing a 1/35 AM one (rare as hen's teeth though!!) ... which makes me wonder if there even is one available for a 1/24??? ... another Idea - helmets on hooks? Best to start (like I did) by chasing photos of Pz.II's operating in the theater of operations that you wish to depict, I would think?! Regards, Rog
  18. lol Brad, believe me ... it is! ... I saw it on an in box review and a build thread - a resin kit and it looks more impressive IRL - and those in that photo are my 1st three ever ... so I will be waiting until I have an abundance of time before I try building any of them!! Rog
  19. So ... with the 2013 Birthday Stash Splurge coming to a close ... and since the first half of my kits'n'stuff have arrived ... Regards Rog
  20. Paul ... Again ... well done! ... I will keep your build thread in my pocket for when my time comes! Very, very nice work ... detailed, yet subtle - just the way I like 'em!! Rog
  21. Hiya Nick ... I bought my E-3 from here: http://www.modelhobbies.co.uk/shop/cyber-hobby-messerschmitt-bf109e3-3222-p-45006.html and apparently he has a few more in stock and my E-4's (two of 'em) from here: http://www.netmerchants.co.uk/product.php/17316/messerschmitt_bf109e4_wing_tech_series Well ... I bought 2 and they still have stock, so go figure!! Both in the sub 35 Pound mark (of course, I didn't pay VAT either - which is a bonus!) ... and both stores have no servicing issues as far as I can tell - I bought, they arrived!! Got my Revell Bf109G and a Ju88A-4 from the top one also! Cheers Rog
  22. Hi all ... I have it on good authority that the only noticable difference between a Messerschmitt Bf109E-1 and E-3 is that of the wing armament (MG's vs FF's) ... and the resulting changes to the underside paneling and wing shape. With this in mind ... I am going to attempt a little dabbling in the intracate art of re-shaping!! I liked the idea of the Eduard Profimodeler E-1 (especially colours and marking options!) ... but the whole fit and finish issue (especially with the cowl) frightens me! ... So call me a coward, but I have purchased a Cyber Hobby 1/32 Bf109E-3 ... and intend to develop a couple of little here-to-fore unused (for me) modeling skills. The idea is simple ... cut. sand, fill and rescribe rivets/panels on the underwing areas of the Cyber Hobby kit to resemble an E-1 ... use a bit of brass tubing (wings) along with some Master MG-17's (cowl) ... and finaly some decals pinched from one of my E-4 kits - to create the same marking option that I like from the Eduard E-1 kit!! However ... I need some help ... please? ... a nice clear photo of the relevant area of the E-1 wing underside (from an Eduard E-1 kit should be suffice!!) ... Thanks in advance Rog
  23. ... Latest mail arrival ... A 1/32 Revell Ju88A-4 kit!!! ... Whoo-Hoo!!!! Rog P.S. ... She's a BIG box too!!
  24. So ... buy a Hasegawa kit as well ... Build an F and use Cowl bulges for the Revell G ???
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