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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Thanks Carl. I have high hopes for this build. 😉
  2. The preliminaries should be easy peasy. We'll see how the rest goes!
  3. As is my usual procedure I painted all the interior parts prior to starting assembly. Still have others to paint (black, etc) but I have most all of the Interior Green done.
  4. For better or worse I'm getting started on this kit. It has been on my shelf for a good while and now I think it's time to get with the program. The only add-on I bought for it is the PE dive flaps and they look to be a real bear. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Meanwhile I'll get started on the fuselage, etc. I intend to do a overall GSB a/c but exactly which one is undetermined right now. Shouldn't be a problem though.
  5. Looks like it's coming along fairly well despite the decal problems. Will be a colorful model for sure!
  6. Made a little progress. For some reason I'm finding it difficult to get enthused about this build. 🙄 I'm going to set it aside for now. Maybe later on, etc.
  7. Agreed Kevin. Heavy panel lines don't do much for the model but I'll just have to work around that. 🙄
  8. https://www.facebook.com/groups/999706333830374/posts/1354836618317342/?comment_id=1354840754983595&reply_comment_id=1355081654959505&notif_id=1653765199982822&notif_t=group_comment_mention
  9. Thanks Peter. As coincidence would have it, I'm a member of a T-28 Group on FB. I posted a couple of shots of this model there and lo and behold the guy that owned and restored the a/c is a member also. He sent me a nice message and a little info. Pretty cool I think!
  10. Thank you Gaz! I'm pleased that you like it.
  11. Thank you Phil! No idea at this time as to what is next. 😉
  12. All done! Go here.....https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/16252-kh-t-28c-finished/
  13. Finished with this one! My 3rd (and likely last) KH T-28. The thing about T-28's is there were so many colorful schemes on those a/c. I painted it with Testor's throughout. The decals I made by re-scaling a 1/48 Aeromaster sheet to 1/32 and printing them out using my laser printer. I used a Aires cockpit set as the kit supplied parts leave something to be desired. You may notice the green starboard wingtip light is not in the usual "A" & "B" position but far forward on the leading edge tip. The reason for this is that the "C"s were used for carrier landing training and it made the airplane's attitude more visible to the LSO when doing night landings. You'll note there is a crack on the rear canopy. I don't know when that happened but the kit clear parts ARE very thin and fragile. Remember guys, click on the 1st photo for best image resolution and to view the pics as a slide show. I'm very happy with the way this one turned out and I hope y'all are too!
  14. Thank you Peter! Decaling is underway so it won't be long before it's all done.
  15. Done with the red areas. A little touchup and then I can start decaling.
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