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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. I recently completed work on this model. I have always liked the wasp insignia on the '109's and '110's and decided it was time to build one. Decals came from the Kagero Topdrawings book on the Bf-109E. I hope you like it!
  2. Thanks for the input guys. I picked up a template by Alliance Modelworks which looks like it will work okay.
  3. That's a good looking P-40. Very nicely done with great weathering.
  4. Thanks Frank. I too am waiting for the Airscale instruments which look to be really nice.
  5. That's going to be a beauty Frank. I just received mine today and am very favorably impressed. I plan to hold off on building it for a while and see what the after-market guys come up with. I look forward to following your build.
  6. Thanks for the input! I will check that out.
  7. Does anyone make masks for painting road wheels? Specifically for the Tasca Lynx kit. Thanks!!
  8. Thanks Paul. It's a really good kit. Here's a link to my post of the finished model. http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/2764-tamiya-p-51d-fighting-lady-506th-fg-iwo-jima-1945/
  9. True but I think Hasegawa is narrowing the gap.
  10. Hi Dave, It worked quite well I'm happy to say. I primed the model with Alclad Gray Primer and Microfiller then sprayed it with their Dark Aluminum. After drying overnight I polished it out with some 1200 sandpaper and a tissue (yes, a tissue). I then sprayed the AK on the whole model with a bit heavier application on the areas I intended to really "work on". I let that dry about 45 minutes then sprayed the Mr Color. I let that dry about 1/2 hour then started picking at it with a toothpick. I also used some Scotch tape to peel some off. I have to say I was pretty pleased with the way it all worked out and just might do another Japanese a/c although WW II Japanese stuff isn't high on my list of "likes". PM me if you have questions.
  11. That is a great looking Halifax! You have a lot more patience than I do! Well worth the effort. Very well done.
  12. Thanks! Something a bit out of the ordinary.
  13. I've always wanted to do a George with these markings. It's something a bit out of the usual. The model was built out of the box except for FineMolds seat belts. Paints used were Gunze Lacquer, Alclad and White Ensign. I used AK Interactive Heavy Chipping Liquid to acheive the chipping and peeling.
  14. Those are some REALLY nice builds! Let's see more!
  15. Outstanding! That is a nice change from the same ol' same ol' usual drab Luftwaffe color scheme. Nicely done!
  16. Wow Mike, that is a great looking model! Really nicely done. I like the scheme you chose, the blue number, etc adds a nice "look".
  17. Thanks! I'd recommend the Tamiya kit over the ZM kit unless you want to open it up and have all the "innards" showing.
  18. I finished this one this morning. I decided to do a bit of a diorama with this build. I painted the a/c with Alclad, White Ensign, Xtracolor and Model Master. Details in the cockpit and the wheels are Barracudacast. Seat belts are from FineMolds. I filled in most of the rivets on the wings with Alclad Gray Primer sprayed on in several coats with sanding with various grades of sandpaper between coats. I also used some Liquitex Modelling Medium there also. The crane, etc is from a Testor's/Italeri field work station with needed modifications. The work stand is from my "graveyard of parts" and has a new lease on life! The base is from Custom Dioramics (Squadron had these under their name recently). Decals used are Kagero and some kit decals. I really enjoyed this build (it's my 3rd Tamiya P-51D) and MAY do another sometime. I hope you folks like it.
  19. Okay Jonathon. Here are a couple more shots for ya.
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