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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Carl Nice start and going to be a fun build with hopefully very few challenges along the way, Will be on board for the entire journey.
  2. Ernie Thanks for the info and some good decisions. never even thought about the engines.
  3. John Right on the money for sure.
  4. Ernie WOW, looking mighty good and you surely have made a lot of progress on the Havoc. I've been following Nigel's progress on his (Nigel's Modelling Bench) and he spent a huge amount of time on the cockpit - building it three times: stock, with Eduards upgrade PE set and then with Airscale' detail set. What's your take on the front office for detailing out of the box?
  5. Paul Completely agree - for a kit in such a large scale, the suspension units should be a working part.
  6. John Looking good and I should be trying to keep up some type of steady bench time as yours ... just a bit too much going on right now to sit and work with a clear head.
  7. Carl Pretty neat project - are you working on a diorama or vignette?
  8. Nice way to get the modeling mojo flowing again.
  9. John Nice work on the front office and correcting the caution placard on he bulkhead was a nice touch for sure.
  10. Mark Looks fantastic ... some awesome paintwork for sure
  11. Oliver Amazing work as always - enjoying each u[date for sure.
  12. John Nice start as always on your newest Corsair ... no question she is going to be a beauty.
  13. Sweet for sure
  14. Carl Excellent points, I never considered.
  15. Carl Brilliant work and your fix worked perfectly. πŸ†From here on there shouldn't be any major issues at all. Thinking back when I built mine (many moons ago I had the same issues and Paul sent me another wing and a few cowls and between all the parts, I found a set that worked. My Sea Fury was a lot of work but to this day, she is the center piece of my collection.
  16. My apologies - my order arrived safe and sound last the beginning of the week - looks fantastic. Thanks Peter for the incredible service.
  17. Bill Nice addition to the stash - Always loved the 104's in brilliant. polished aluminum skins.
  18. Scot Primer looks might good and smooth.
  19. πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”, yup, have to agree.
  20. Scott Italeri strikes again. I bought the kit when it first was released, still in the stash and most likely will not be a bench project - way too much hard work to get everything aligned and looking right. Enjoying following your progress and seeing all the hard work you needed to do, I'm sure mine will remain in the box - shrink wrap is still on as well.
  21. John Another B - fantastic and she looks so good. Will be along for the ride for your next Corsair.
  22. Oliver Brilliant. Peter
  23. Carl I'll measure the cowl later tonight for you. Chow time now.
  24. A few awesome deliveries today: : AirScale Devastator Pro set with 3D printed parts Eduard Canopy mask Set for the Kotare Spitfire and this gem:
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