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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. THE PARTY IS OVER The Fuselage With the front office assembly completed, I checked the fit one last time, then glued up the two fuselage halves, using Revell Contacta Professional Glue, with the fuselage halves taped tightly together and left to dry overnight. I spent a good deal of time tweaking the upper turtle deck, which Kotare designed as a single piece to help preserve the rivet detail but no matter how hard I worked at it, I couldn’t achieve a perfect fit and in a few small spots Mr Surfacer was called into action. The Classical Spitfire Wings – the kit wings look simply outrageous and capture the grace of the design perfectly. The wheel well walls are a simple, one-piece affair, nicely detailed and fit very snuggly in place. The main gear legs are nicely molded, will be inserted into place later on and are designed to lock into place, requiring the male insert plug slides into place. The instructions point out the male plug needs trimming to fit; done. My Spitfire will wear the early White and Black painted undersides, requiring each wheel well, the gear doors and the gear to be painted the appropriate color of its appropriate bottom side color. Tailplanes went together just fine and with a bit of effort, they slipped into position perfectly. Attaching the wings is where the perfection of the build left the path for me. I followed the instructions step by step as carefully as I was capable of, doubled checked every step of the way, yet the wings put up a good struggle before I was able to glue them in place and once tightly taped, left to thoroughly dry overnight. Both the front gas tank cover and the lower nose cowl didn’t fit perfectly either, needing some tweaking to get them to sit correctly – surely somewhere I missed the mark. The front gas tank cover should sit a bit proud and it does. All the final prep sanding and polishing has now been done and I was ready to mask and add the glass. Yikes, no masking set was provided and surely for a kit selling for over a hundred dollars, one should have been included. My go to vender for Eduard mask sets is out of stock and now searched eBay for a set, found it and it should be here by the middle of next week. Until I’m able to work on the cockpit glass, I’ll finish up the odds and ends and then hopefully the mask set with be here. A few photographs of my slow progress to date - just so many doctor appointments and procedures my wife and I have been going through the past few weeks, so bench time hasn't been very much.
  2. Gus, right with you for sure
  3. PW Some mighty nice work for sure and the two look the part for sure.
  4. Gus Joly Cow, your A6 is looking brilliant. Agree 100% as to not pushing fate and leaving the canopy fogging as is - your fix in the display case is perfect and I've done that more then once myself - works like a charm.
  5. Ernie Awesome progress and I had no idea you were also working on the Kotare kit. Whose paints did you use, as the colors look spot on? I'm going with Tamiya acrylics and following Kotare's color callouts to the Tee. What a great choice for the markings.
  6. Thanks Scott, very much appreciated. Awesome kit for sure - so far and absolute pleasure to build.
  7. Thanks Kev, much appreciated. If I would have been smart enough and made sure the kit either came with a mask set or bought one when I started, I wouldn't be on hold waiting for it top arrive. Super kit, all together and she surely looks the part.
  8. Ernie Missed ya, glad you're back and posting. Right with you and an awesome kit for sure. I trust the Kotare team's research, every aspect of the build and the color callouts with no questions asked. Only issue I had was not being able to get a perfect wing fit but it's resolved now and moving forward. I thought I was ready for priming but no canopy mask set . Wish I would have looked to actually see if there was a mask set included before starting, just assumed wrong and now started hunting for one. I should never have assumed! Finally found an Eduard Mask set on eBay and it won't be here until Tuesday or Wednesday, so to fill in the time on builds in between build steps when I have to wait for part to dry or something I needed to order arrive, I always work on a 'in between kit' and have been tinkering with the old Tamiya 1/48 P-51B. So once the Spitfire mask set arrives, it's priming time. getting ready for an update in the next few days.
  9. amazing
  10. Oliver Right with Gus .. Would love to see your whole build process on how you go about engineering and building some as unique and detailed as the generator.
  11. Got ya. Going to be some really nice models coming from Jetmags over the next year or so.
  12. John Sure looks as if, even I can do it.
  13. Hubert I'm patiently waiting for both the Mystere and the Beechcraft C12/B-200 King Air. Who am I kidding - I'm hoping for Christmas 2024!
  14. Thanks John I feel a P-39 coming this winter and now I know what I need to do.
  15. John Just love your P-39 builds ... will be along for the journey or in reality, the quick trip across town. I know you posted this before, but I can't find where I filed the information on how to do the plug for the length correction.
  16. Kev Going to be an epic build for sure.
  17. Awesome build and that's from a model railroader for many years, so long ago. 🏆
  18. Kev Will be following all the way; start to finish and no question, she will be a showstopper when finished.
  19. Carl Surely looks awesome and right with you. It would be a must build and we do need the rest of the F4 to go along with the front end.
  20. Pretty cool for sure
  21. Harv Awesome news - and you're on the road home for sure.
  22. Yup and of course, coming from the Mother Country.
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