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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Always appreciate incredible work on a difficult build and then add in "brilliant" paint work - can't get any better.🏆
  2. John Terrific start on your Hasegawa Jug; stripes and NMF look mighty good and you're already past my build progress.
  3. Mark I'm already front and center and waiting - the Thud is going to be an awesome build.
  4. Thanks Rob, very much appreciated. Finally moving at a nice clip and with any luck, all the decals and markings should be done by Friday. The few Thundercal I already used, are excellent and by Cartograf and I'm not for a change expecting an issues (🤞).
  5. Hi Kev The OD is on: MRP 139: OD 41. It's more of a dark brown base then the greenish OD. Hope when the decals and markings are on, the OD will look a bit more pronounced.
  6. Thanks John. very much appreciated and I feel decaling is only now a few days away - doctor appointment for the next few days take precedent in the build schedule.
  7. Gus I regularly use Tamiya X22 over MRP paints and have had no issues at all. I work building up the layers slowly until I achieved the super smooth finish I'm looking for. I thin normally 1:1 and the final coats a little extra SLT. Shouldn't be any issues at all. MY F-14 I just finished was X22 over MRP paints.
  8. Scott. Oh, the joys of resin molded kits. That's some nasty fir issue and going to take a lot of your magic to sort things out. While a challenge and an enormous amount work, with the end result being, your Cutlass, nearly a one of a kind beauty for the display case. My Fisher Sea Fury has been the pride and joy of my display case - miniature model air museum since she was added to the collection and since that day, I've become a huge Sea Fury fan. Of course, after all these years, I really don't remember all the frustrations and fit issues as I just keep admiring her every time I walk past.
  9. Thanks Mike, very much appreciated and progress is moving ahead at a nice steady clip. I really didn't do anything different then my normal approach: MRP Black primer MRP or Tamiya Gloss Black and then decal. Tips are airbrushed yellow and lastly will be a clear gloss coat to seal in the decals and then semi gloss on the front and flat on the back. Panel Line Washes to pick out the details.
  10. John I can imagine but you nailed them.
  11. John Decal work and markings are spot on - looking mighty good.
  12. IT’S AIRBRUSH TIME Priming went fine and just a few redo’s were found. I had already finished applying the underside neutral gray when the Thundercal decals arrived and decided to change the paint scheme and markings. Rather then continue with the OD #41 for the upper surfaces, I decided to first airbrush the engine cowling, wheel covers, prop spinner and tail their appropriate colors. Of course, loads of masking to do – thank goodness as I thought I wouldn’t have to do much on the Tamiya Jug when I was going with the kit decals/paint scheme. I was unfamiliar with I.D. # 48 yellow for the cowl and the search was on. I did find a correct color chip to work from and Mr Color 329 was close enough. It would have been perfect match if I applied it over the OD which have dropped it a shade but painted over gray primer and it still looked fine. Of course, after thinning I just had enough yellow for the one air brush session and the jar was now bone dry. The alternating cowl flaps were done with MRP Super Gloss Black and AK Aluminum. The tail: MRP Insignia White. The undersides were MRP Neutral Gray The upper surfaces: MRP Olive Drab 41. While waiting for the fuselage to dry, I finished the gear, wheels and tires and popped the details with Tamiya Black Panel Line Wash. The prop was painted and decaled as well. The hub details were picked out as well with Tamiya Black PLW. At this point, the Jug is ready for the decaling process, starting with Tamiya X22 Clear Gloss and then onto the Thundercal Decals.
  13. Thank you, Martin, so very much appreciated.
  14. Ralph Looking mighty good and right with you about seam would and of course, scribing back in all the lost panel lines - oh what fun.
  15. Fantastic progress and the realistic weathering is looking spot on the money.
  16. John Awesome progress on the P-39 - paint work is absolutely perfect and looks smooth as silk. Looking forward to your next update with all the markings on.
  17. Scott Quite the jig setup and surely works well. I just use my old jig to hold the model when doing certain building steps as it would be impossible to 'square' it up as you and Carl have.
  18. Rob Thanks for the vote of confidence and maybe later this summer, I'll give a WNW kits a try and see how I do. I actually also have a few packs of Bob's Buckles rigging supplies, in the tool chest for years. Who knows but thesew days, I'm open to trying new things.
  19. Kev Sure does. especially for us seniors. 😉
  20. Sorry Kev halfway through painting and of course the never ending hobby of masking and buying Tamiya tape. Maybe early next week but Diane and I have three doctor appointments on tap first and then it will be bench time for sure.
  21. Scott I'm right with carl and have been wearing progressive glasses for decades and now, add in al the other eye issues of aging and the fun begins.
  22. Scott Nice start and some very masterful engineering
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