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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Rob WOW, brilliant work and incredible progress. I'm still in awe on your rigging skills, as it's looks absolutely perfect. Are you planning on lightly toning down the white rudder as being vivid and bright colors attract the eye. πŸ†
  2. Scott, wow, super work - looks fantastic.
  3. Scott, looks awesome to me and I'm right with Kev. I wouldn't change a thing. πŸ†
  4. Kev I'm out to lunch on that. After building a number of Tamiya latest kits, it's going to take a nearly perfect kit, in every aspect of the build to equal Tamiya. I have the Marauder coming from Hobbynut and I'm hoping the kit lives up to expectations. 🀞
  5. Rob Nice package of goodies and you're on a roll. For my limited car modeling, I use Gravity Paints from Spain and their products are awesome. Which brand of paints are you using?
  6. Scott Absolutely fantastic news and I'm so happy for the both of you. As a cancer survivor, I know the feeling and there is nothing like it.
  7. Thanks Fran for sharing the email. My Marauder is on the way and hoping to start it after my current build if either Quinta or Eduard has their cockpit upgrade sets out by then - if not, I just need to wait. 🀞
  8. Gus, WOW ... incredible cammo and all your hard work has paid off. I've been shooting MRP since it was first introduced and it's my paint of choice for air brushing. But when it comes to brush painting, it's not very effective. I've brush painted it a few times in very small areas and for some touch ups, but just way too many gently layers are needed, and the paint needs to dry between each layer. MRP does make a range of acrylic paints that match the lacquer brothers very well in color and I use them for brush painting and touchup work. πŸ†
  9. Thanks Mike, moving along at a nice clip and as with all my Tamiya builds, a pleasure to spend time with working on them at the bench. After reading Robs post, I am heading over to Thunder Cals and picking up a set or two of decals, as they will not be remade when sold out.
  10. John, mighty glad you decided to finish up your latest T-28. Cammo is absolutely perfect and in my book, a stellar build. πŸ†
  11. Thanks, Rob very much appreciated. I'll be looking forward to your Jug build hopefully in the not-too-distant future. Excellent choice of decals and I was just over to their website and found a few sheets I might buy as I have more jugs in the stash to build. I did notice the owner saying he is letting stock run out and will not be replacing them as he isn't a modeler but rather a flight simmer. I figure it's best to buy a few sheets now as once they are gone, it's eBay and then insane prices.
  12. Thanks John, very much appreciated and nice to be building and not masking. Nothing lke spending time at the bench with Tamiya.
  13. Count10 Agreed, While the Mini Art kit brand new, very well detailed, the poor instructions and over engineering just made for a frustrating build. Tamiya, with the addition of the Quinta set is right up there in detailing and when it comes to part fit and instructions, is miles ahead. Still the best Jug in 48th scale for my money.
  14. P-47D RAZORBACK THUNDERBOLT TAMIYA 1/48TH Capt Walker Mahurin 56th FG, 63rd Sq, Haleswworth, UK March 1944 With my Tomcat GB build completed, it was time to tackle the first of two Tamiya Jugs ready to go. Only AM will be a Quinta Cockpit set and paints will be MRP. Colors for this build are: MRP Olive Drab 41 MRP Neutral Gray MRP Gray Primer MRP Interior Dark Dull Green. The other interior cockpit color choice was Bronze Green but the Dark Dull Green matches the Quinta base color better. Most Long Island WWII aircraft from Republic and Grumman used paint from the same local supplier and the actual mix for Interior Green varied as the base colors were substituted due to war time shortages and a changing formula, thusly the variety of different cockpit colors. As compared to the Mini Art Jug I built a few months back, where there were all sorts of issues for me with the instructions, part location and over engineering, none of which was encountered with the Tamiya kit so far. Excellent instructions and part fit was spot on the money. Final steps in finishing off the front office was adding some depth for visual effect with three different Tamiya Panel Line Washes: Black, Dark Brown and Dark Gray. Once dry, the interior was sealed with Alclad Flat Clear and Tamiya XF21 Sky was used to dry brush and help highlight the details. The main spar details were treated the same and the details look mighty good. In most of the images, the parts appear larger then they are actually.
  15. Scott Nice work on the panel lines - Flory Washes are my go-to wash for what seems like decades now. Holding her up, it's easy to appreciate how BIG the kit actually is.
  16. Chris Perfect POA on dealing with all the seams, so you won't get bogged down, keeping the juices flowing and also making nice build progress. The 3D missiles will be gems and a terrific replacement for the kit supplies ones and no cleanup πŸ‘
  17. Sorry John I should have read your post more carefully and not jump into my explanation. I finished researching the interior and exteriors colors for the Jug I am working on and all the information was still rattling around in my head.
  18. HI John I checked my color reference and of course, there is no specification for Bell Green. it is very much like Dark Dull Green and Bronze Green which are not specified colors either. All the variations stem from aircraft manufacturers sourcing out the anti- corrosion paint from location paint manufactures who all worked from the actual military specifications for interior green, which is a mix of at least 10 separate chemicals. Due to both war time shortages and how the specifications were interpretated, the final interiors colors were different. I also read that one of the chemicals/additives was used in steel armor plating production and there was a shortage of it and the military diverted all of it to steel armor production, so the color of interior green changed again. Bell even produced the P-47G for stateside training and its interior colors differed from Republic in Farmingdale for those reasons. Best recommendation I read was to try and match the color as best as you can which doesn't help, as restoration aircraft had to guess at the colors as well. Wish I could come up with a better answer.
  19. Thanks Scott, so very much appreciated ... an enjoyable and rewarding build and not an issue to deal with ... that surely amazed me.
  20. Carl Right with martin - as on my end, looking awesome.
  21. Chris Some mighty nice work on the ejection seats but the nose gear, what a mess. Just hard to believe that's how Tamiya did things back then. Surely is going to be a lot of work to square the gear away - just go slow and take your time, as I have no doubt when you are done reworking the nose gear, it will look perfect.
  22. Oliver Brilliant work, realistic weathering is how it should be.
  23. Gus Some mighty brilliant paint work and intricate masking. Right with Kev and Paul - waiting for the mast of the masks to come off and reveal a beauty which has been in hiding for many work sessions.
  24. Scott Congratulations to your son on his achievement. As we still hopefully say: way to go!πŸ†
  25. Thanks Mike. an awesome kit from Tamiya for sure. On the bench and underway; a Tamiya 1/48 P-47D Razorback Jug and hopefully after that, I'll be ready to start the ICM B-26B Marauder if either Quinta or Eduard release a cockpit AM set for it. The balance of the kit seems very well detailed from reviews and oner build I'm now following.
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