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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Holy smokes, that is small step for Carl but .... wait.... humanity is pleased :), very neat my friend. Most exciting. Cheers M.
  2. Peter, welcome. I am pulling out my chair, popcorn and book with superlatives Cheers Martin
  3. Wow, hard to believe that 747 is so old. Thanks for sharing Ivan.cheers Martin
  4. I see a.........small or medium-size rodents........ in the near future
  5. It is there. miso happy. More toys for every household!
  6. There is so much wrong about Migs released by Trumpeter, that we can only wait for somebody else to pitch in. You guys pick one, 21, 29, 23,19 and will show you the mayhem of proportional disarray . Having said that , Mig-23 done right, depends on version, requires a lot more then just canopy and undercarriage . The list goes on and on. I believe Ivan was commenting on the subject in number of occasions with drawings etc.
  7. I don't see any problem with having two companies working on the same subject. It creates a healthy competitive environment and that is beneficial for the customer. Also the different approach will attract different modellers. It's all cool.
  8. Ambitious indeed
  9. Aha! somebody is aware of fox-body related weakness, SACRILEGE ! NO! No oil canning on this frame, fenders are flared a little , just a wee bit
  10. Garage of doom is getting organized
  11. Overlaping panels, positive rivets and .......wait for it.....wait for it....... not yet,......... OIL CANNING !!!
  12. Super clean and fast work Carl, way too cool
  13. They based their choice of the subtype on what use to be in service with the Czechoslovak Air Force. I recall as I went somewhere with my Dad, detouring by the blocked highway, observing this....from a safe distance ... naturally
  14. Should be available tomorrow at E-Day
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