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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Persans, Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, Sikhs, British,Soviets, us, nobody had ever conquered Afghanistan.
  2. Thanks for sharing, those figures are stunning!
  3. Hiding in a plain sight
  4. My pleasure Phil, it definitely looks interesting, based on a very intriguing story.
  5. Herold was born on 11 September 1925 in Lunzenau, Saxony, the son of a roofer. He attended the Volksschule and the Technische Schule in Chemnitz, where he undertook the chimney sweep training course.[citation needed] In 1936, Herold was expelled from the Deutsches Jungvolk because he did not want to participate in the required exercises. He was called up for the Reich Labour Service.[citation needed] Second World War[edit] On 30 September 1943, Herold was called up for military service. After basic training with a parachute regiment in Tangermünde, he was sent to Italy and fought at Nettuno and Monte Cassino, where he was promoted to the rank of corporal and awarded the Iron Cross First Class for the destruction of two British tanks on the beach of Salerno.[citation needed] In March 1945, Herold's unit was relocated to Germany. In the chaos of the retreating German army, Herold became separated from his unit in early April 1945. Near Gronau and Bad Bentheim, Herold came across an abandoned car containing the luggage of a Luftwaffe captain. Herold put on this uniform and pretended to be the officer, gathering around him a number of equally lost soldiers.[citation needed] On 11 April 1945, Herold's group arrived at the Aschendorfermoor prison camp (containing German army deserters), one of the Emslandlager camps. Herold told the German authorities at the camp that he was acting under the direct orders of Adolf Hitler and took over command. Herold and his men then began to murder inmates guilty of any transgression (for example, a group who had recently attempted to escape). Within the next eight days, Herold had more than 100 camp inmates murdered.[citation needed] Following an air raid on the camp, most of the surviving inmates managed to escape. Herold's group left the camp and committed several further war crimes; they hanged a farmer in Leer, East Frisia, who had hoisted the white flag, and also murdered five Dutchmen for alleged espionage.[citation needed] Retreating from the advancing Allies, Herold's group arrived in Aurich where they were arrested by the local German commander. Herold confessed to his crimes and was transferred to Norden for trial by the Kriegsmarine. In the chaos of the last days of the war, Herold was released by mistake.[citation needed] Arrest, trial, and execution[edit] Herold headed for Wilhelmshaven and picked up his old profession as a chimney sweeper. He was arrested by the Royal Navy on 23 May 1945 for the theft of a loaf of bread. Following an investigation and the questioning of witnesses, Herold was identified as a wanted war criminal. On 1 February 1946, Herold and his men were forced by the British occupying forces to dig up the remains of the inmates murdered at Aschendorfermoor camp.[citation needed] A total of 195 bodies were excavated. In August 1946, Herold and 12 others were tried in Oldenburg by the British (overseen by Colonel H. Brown). They were held responsible for the murder of 125 people. On 29 August 1946, Herold and six other co-defendants (Karl Hagewald, Bernhard Meyer, Karl Schütte, Josef Euler, Hermann Brandt, and Otto Paeller) were sentenced to death, while five others were acquitted. On 14 November 1946, Herold and five other defendants were executed by guillotine by Friedrich Hehr in Wolfenbüttel prison.[citation needed]
  6. Thank You for your blending Ivan.
  7. getting suntanned ?
  8. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Epoxy-Glue-For-Hph-And-Other-Resin-Kits-HPH-Models-JPHPHAPXY007G-/112602327290 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Epoxy-Glue-For-Hph-Models-And-Other-Resin-Kits-JPHPHAPXY007G-New-/112292462388 http://shop.hphmodels.cz/en/vyhledavani?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search-cat-select=0&search_query=glue&submit_search=
  9. Pretty birdie
  10. my ex-neighbours
  11. It that case we have to bring some go-pro equipment, to document the justice being served. XXL handcuffs, tranquilizer darts , nets, all the cool stuff...:) and the obligatory "pavement shot"
  12. Thanks Harvey, I will check it out for sure. Saw the new Predator recently, missed Arnold a lot.
  13. Why "Terror" attack and not a long range bomb raid ?
  14. Physical form of 3600 litres. Little more than is needed to coat HpH's Peacemaker
  15. more pictures here
  16. Autumn in Canada, Passing by Red Dear
  17. I was steadily plucking away on Frisky. There is a functional torsion bas suspension, you install it loose and then with a help of supplied jig you make sure it is line-up. Once that is achieved , all you need to do is to glue the ends of the torsion bars to the chassis . Little finicky yet brilliant . Next thing was to drill out the holes on the spare track links. You can see that their are the single pin tracks used on T-72s and early T-90. Lastly I sanded the surface of the wheels. There was a pattern on the rubber , that is almost never present on the real thing. It simply wears down.
  18. Malcolm canopy....cool
  19. Nice choice Tony, I should probably resurrect my Mitchell build ....at some point
  20. Lockheed Martin Aeronutty bought it all up.
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