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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Smithy , do you know why Russkie are not using the famous toothpaste interior colour anymore ?
  2. Everyone is gearing up for Petlyakov 2
  3. 1/32 scale Wimpy would be nice, so as Dakota, Commando, Blenheim, Beaufighter, Breguet 690, and most of all Pe-2
  4. Something to drool over http://scalemodels.ru/news/12584-anons-HK-Models-1-32-Dornier-Do-335-B-6-Nightfighter---testovaja-sborka.html
  5. Summer weather right? I am driving to Edmonton tomorrow with a U-haul truck, most likely with summer tires .
  6. Oh , I didn't even noticed . I pulled it out from their webpage Sorry Karim.
  7. Happy Birthday Maru !!!
  8. Outrage
  9. Isn't Jeroen like administrator or something ? LOL
  10. Nice one Ivan
  11. I run out of likes
  12. Nice job Pete, not sure if this can be of any help, For rivets Ive been using standard jewellers beading tool. It comes in many sizes. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/23Pc-Handmade-Setting-Beading-Grain-Jewelry-Tool-Diamond-Stone-Beader-Set-Graver/401503836828?epid=9002917188&hash=item5d7b7e5a9c:g:myQAAOSwwvZZOmlA
  13. Double post , sorry. Can we delete this one please Thanks Martin
  14. Canadian black-ops , looking good, not a million dollars good, but that will come soon
  15. If we're talking Russian/Soviet jets then I would go with the 1/48 scale guys, or HpH Mig-15 in case you're comfortable with resin.
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