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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. just to stay on topic
  2. there is always a room for improvement
  3. Some progress from this morning. Slowly but surely. This kit is highly detailed and everything fits fine, I am very happy so far. Very relaxing experience, nice little break from Mig-9 resin extravaganza.
  4. P-8194/white 7, Standard AVG colours DE/G/grey. Turned over to the 75th FS when the AVG disbanded and it's Chinese sun insignias were painted out in favour of USAAF stars on the upper left and lover right wings. It did retained both tigers and Adam and Eve's apple badge for some time with the 23 FG.. that sums it up to the picture above... :)
  5. I use to have a book about that , let me look for it.
  6. Your guy seems to be ......inconclusive
  7. There is only a handful of pictures that shows this type top marking, should be standard Chinese in usual locations. plus some random once
  8. Just a few pictures ......to stay on topic Photo taken during a routine military expedition in Chukchi Peninsula, Soviet Union. It isn’t sure if the Chukchi Peninsula has more people or white bears. The climate is very severe and sometimes weather can be so fierce in winter that the temperature falls 40 C degrees below zero (-40 Fahrenheit) so that poor white bears and their cubs start starving and freezing. The soldiers, who served on the Army District of Chukchi Peninsula, didn’t turn their backs on the poor and starving animals and started to feed them every now and then. Of course you do not have such big amounts of meat at home to feed several white bears. And soldiers decided to feed the bears up with what they had in abundance – tins, or to be more exact, condensed milk. Soldiers would open such a tin with a tin-opener and then give the can to the bear who licked all the milk from tin and then feed her little bears with it. Those blue and white tins of condensed milk were the winter dessert staple of every Soviet kid. The condensed milk (called in Russian: sgushchennoye moloko) had indeterminately long shelf life and there was always plenty of it. It was a common dessert in the army too. It isn’t surprised to see it given away to bears, because unlike some stuff that was rationed the condensed milk in USSR was available in unlimited amounts. The tracked vehicle you see on the photo is a GT-SM GAZ-34036, fully amphibious. This vehicle was widely employed by the Soviet Military. It was an over-snow vehicle designed for a variety of roles, but primarily as a general cargo/troop carrier and light artillery/heavy mortar tractor. The GT-S is also capable of traversing shallow swamp areas. The layout is conventional, with an engine compartment at the front, a cab behind that, and the cargo/troop section behind the cab. Towing capacity of the GT-S is 2 tons.
  9. Some drawings, if anybody 's interested
  10. They don't have to necessary line-up in parallel .
  11. That cockpit is luxuriously detailed
  12. Randomly misplaced Zero,,, why not?
  13. Thank Rob, it is definitely a time killer. The eyes are loose in their frames, I will glue them solid once i paint the cables etc. Cheers Martin
  14. Madness :), how you're gonna recreate the F ? Cheers Martin
  15. or this, I hope William doesn't mind. and cadets and random SD or NMF not sure
  16. Hmm , Ernie you may like this one
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