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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×

Vandy1 VX-4

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Everything posted by Vandy1 VX-4

  1. just received my ANYZ 1/32 cockpit sets. and Corsair canopy frame. Now I wish I had purchased two Corsair sets! I highly recommend with yourorder to purchase the tweezers / Forceps also! Also Received a free set of DECALS. That look excellent. Also, they give you a little carded fold up. that says do not touch. You can see that in the top of the frame of the photo.
  2. Hope John doesn’t mind this in here!! just received my ANYZ 1/32 cockpit sets. and Corsair canopy frame. Now I wish I had purchased two Corsair sets! I highly recommend with your order to purchase the tweezers / Forceps also! their decals look great also! What was a nice touch is just out of the frame. You can see that. Do not touch cardboard inserts.
  3. I don’t know if you know about these . But maybe for your next five or so Corsair’s, you can use them ANYZ 3D printed Corsair cockpit frame’s https://anyz.io/shop/product/AN080
  4. Maybe put it in the want to trade forum what you looking for? A lot of us go to Kit swap meets and have a chance to pick it up for you! I also work with a few hobby shops that pick up collections!!!
  5. I can concur with the rest of you! I had an order shipped to nationals with free Freight for a friend to pick up for me couple years back. Two Item’s were in stock! My order never made it to nationals. They shipped Separately. one shipped on the last day of nationals to my Home! Now they’re requesting me to pay freight on my next order from my previous order? Weird!
  6. 1/32 Bomb trailer!!! I guess the Clarktor tug needs something to tow?
  7. Yanks Air Museum in Chino has the last one!! So maybe some one go take photos?
  8. BNA models Australia!!! But they are sold out at the moment! ASK art scale kits has them in the Cz Chec republic
  9. Tamiya had one yesterday for Display at Orange Con in Ca. nice really really Nice!!!!
  10. I just received HK models A– 20 Havoc Metal landing gear!!! Art Scale Kits ASK Guns for the above mentioned, Also, Nakajima Ki-84 Frank decals Part seven and eight. Also razor, saw blade and Offset saw handle!!!
  11. HKM A-20 Havoc Life raft replacement! Kit part on the left, yellow one first attempt made it a little too tall and shorter in length. far right is the Is the second attempt. It looks far better in size, width, height, and detail. Photos included of the real Life raft bag.
  12. How about wheels for the A-20 havoc? Engine Cowling's with the optional External late exhaust! wing bomb Racks or option for M8 Rocket launcher tubes
  13. I picked up this great book on the Fullback SU-34
  14. Great looking sheet Eli!!!!! Can't wait for it,
  15. The A-20G Havoc O’Reilly‘s daughter II of the 386th BS 312th BG looks to be a nice one to build. Or something from the 675th BS with the purple trim. Anything with a skull on the nose too!!
  16. Nice to hear from you Eli some suggestions on A-20 Havoc Books you my want to checkout!
  17. Oliver that was gracious of you!!!!!! Peter, I am glad that your wife is doing better! Give it some time. you might wanna go back to it! Or for someone else to finish it! Also spare parts as nobody can get this kit anymore? cheers danny
  18. Also, got some AK real colors, three new Tamiya LP primary mixing colors, and Gunze Zinc chromate, and sand
  19. Been wanting to do this vehicle for years!!!! finally Picked up a kit of it!!!!
  20. I’ve seen this a couple times, but never figured out how to order it? It’s not on his website!!!!!
  21. I will also follow too!!!!! As I have the same kit and Marking for mine 😁👺
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