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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. I went to a show in Buffalo a couple of weeks ago. Four entries; I came home with five awards. Two firsts, a second and a third. The Best Aircraft award was for my WNW Pfalz DIIIa. I also picked up this kit for a really good price.
  2. It's been a while since I posted an update. This bird has not been languishing; I've been plugging away at it. There are lots of parts! The engines are complete. I've painted the nacelles - I'm planning on installing the after painting the airframe. It took a while, but I got the cockpit completed and the fuselage halves together. The guns are held in place with white glue for now. I'll get the final alignment taken care of when I attach the nose. I plan on leaving the belly open to show detail. Cannons and fuel tanks. The bomb rack has been painted but not assembled. Still some detail painting to do on the underside. The landing gear wont be installed until after painting. Underside panels and control surfaces primed with Mr. Surfacer 1500.
  3. Finally some progress to show. I buggered an IP decal, so I bought the Quinta Studios set. I was particularly pleased with their harnesses. I'm headed to Florida for the month of March. I'm bringing this kit with me, but I don't know how much I'll get done.
  4. Thanks for the offer, Martin. I wonder what language would airframe stencils be on a Czech Mossie...
  5. Rob, please don't let my entry deter you! There's no guarantee that I'll finish this thing on time. There is a ton of plastic stuffed into that box; I've done a bit of painting, but nothing worthwhile to show for it just yet.
  6. There is no local supplier for Mr. Color paints near me. I order from Burbank's House of Hobbies; they almost always have the colors I need in stock, and they're usually delivered within four days.
  7. Obligatory box cover... I will be building the Mossie mostly OOB. The only aftermarket to date is a set of stencils; I have a set of Master Model gun barrels on order. I may decide on some HGW harnesses. I'll be using kit markings.
  8. I'm a little late to the game here; went into the hospital New Years Eve with chest pain. I spent three days there; even with a stress test they found nothing and sent me home. It turns out I got a false negative on the stress test - I had an ambulance ride two days later. Three stents, and I'm on the road to recovery. Not a good way to start 2024. Santa, though, was pretty good to me: My new favorite shirt A new tool. I'm not sure where I saw this - maybe I'll do a review when I get a chance. And a couple of kits. I hope to enter one into the Group Build.
  9. VERY nicely done! I'll be referencing this build if/when I get around to building mine.
  10. My thanks to all of you. Happy New Year!
  11. I stopped at my LHS today...
  12. Peter, Airscale is VERY good about getting their items shipped to the US. I normally get them within a week.
  13. This arrived yesterday!
  14. Here you go, Maru! (It's Harv's Journey) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1388208938428323
  15. You need Imelda Marcos' shoe closet!
  16. Is this the Mk VB, John? The one with the pointy wing tips? If so, I've got one here that I could scavenge them from.
  17. I just got an email... the Z-M FW-190 starts shipping October 7th!
  18. I agree, Ernie! I have a few Merlin powered things in the stash...
  19. Wow, Ernie. When you said he took a fall, I figured it was a broken leg or hip; this is far more serious. I'm pulling for Harv. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
  20. A couple of days without an update had me worried. Is Harv home, or still in the hospital?
  21. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you, Harv. That'll teach you to wear your high heels on the stairs!
  22. A set of accurate stencils for this plane would be most welcome!
  23. Those Waldron punches are simply ejector pins. Yes, the same ones that leave those wonderful marks for us.
  24. I remember magazines like that!
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