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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. I wonder if FB has some algorithm that searches out the shape of the swastika. If that's the case, what would it do with Finnish insignia?
  2. This just arrived from Peter at Airscale. It seems to be missing one of the part #36 (upper right hand corner of PE fret). Has anyone inspected theirs?
  3. Any chance of a Ploesti Raid sheet?
  4. Eli, this one's at the USAF museum in Dayton, Ohio. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196286/consolidated-b-24d-liberator/
  5. This was on my front porch when I got home...
  6. Glad to see you're diversifying, Peter!
  7. Mine's been shipped. It should be here soon!
  8. Underside of the Revell George. I fear I may have been a bit heavy handed on the salt. We'll see soon!
  9. Happy birthday, Carl!
  10. Based on your build, I have one coming my way. My wallet thanks you!
  11. Great job, John! I think your next Corsair build should be with a blindfold.
  12. My lone Fisher kit.
  13. Imagine a dumpster filled with Fisher, Wingnut Wings and the like. It makes me cringe.
  14. Nice work, John! They have a real one on display at the Curtiss Museum not too very far away from me.
  15. I ordered the Airscale set. Now to keep my eye out for AM decals/stencils. I saw Ernie's rant, and it was well justified!
  16. I went into my LHS for a small bottle of Tamiya XF-12. The question now is: Do I wait for a Quinta set, or preorder Airscale's set?
  17. Wow! I would love to get my hands on a Fisher Skyray, but I fear the asking price may be out of my range.
  18. Congrats, Jerry! I love that new baby smell...
  19. Covid's been kicking my ass; I'm finally on the upswing, but my energy level has been very low. I pulled my Revell mid-wing George out of mothballs and managed to get it rescribed. Once I get some energy, it will be time to pull out the salt. I did also do some work on the landing gear. A mix of Revell and Tamiya parts, all will go into recasts of Hasegawa gear bays.
  20. It will probably be a while before I pick this one up, but your build has definitely put it on my list, Ernie. A fantastic job!
  21. Congrats - not just to the winners, but to all the participants!
  22. A broach is more like a saw than a chisel. They're used extensively for machining features that can't be done via "normal" means. For example, if you needed a hexagonal hole in the center of a gear (or pulley), a broach would be the tool of choice. They're used quite often to cut keyways into pullleys and the like.
  23. I've been looking forever for an Avionix cockpit for Hasegawa's 1/32 TA-4J without success. I'm hoping these will fit.
  24. You'd be surprised, Rob!
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