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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. Thanks. This is the first time I've scratched a part, so it's a learning curve for sure. Happy with the fit:
  2. Meanwhile, the rear cockpit rework begins.
  3. Drop tanks are here!! Way better than what I had and the correct size too. You can see the noticeable difference between the two sizes.
  4. I dont need my charts at 150 ft, with one feathered I'll let her roll on her own back to upright flight, and the shifted load gives me access to the emergency exits when I slide to a stop while the 2nd one burns.... Damn I'm good!
  5. AT&T here at the house
  6. I had to try and adapt and overcome. I appreciate the offer though!
  7. Important parts rescued successfully!! Now to remove the tank, and cover with plastic card I guess?
  8. Well damn. I went back and studied the pictures and I dont think there was anything behind the pilots seat. Reason being, theres not a fuel port anymore on the fuselage side for the cockpit fuel tank. Now I need to contemplate how to correct this or if i can...
  9. Similar to my issues. I cant get on with wifi at home or work, but off wifi I can. I can access all other websites on wifi.
  10. I contemplated those, and heres what I thought. The battery would have to stay no matter what and given the choice between the nose installation or fuselage I figured fuselage. Reason being that pushes the cg aft and increases efficiency and speed. As for the radios, the cockpit picture shows radio/nav radio dials. So I just kept the radio box. This was a long distance race so it needed those items. Same for the aft fuel tank. They did everything they could to stick more gas in this thing so I can't imagine they pulled the fuselage tank. I could be completely wrong on all this, since I'm ASSuming a lot of things, with a focus on the first 3 letters.
  11. Harold and AMS Resin to the rescue!!! Drop tanks are headed this way shortly. I am so relieved because those tanks make this build in my opinion.
  12. Better people than actual people too
  13. Crap!!! I looked at the photo numerous times and swore I didn't see those. That's why I chose the one I did. Time to consider how to approach this. I can pull the glare shield probably but I'm not sure I could get the glass safely out. Something to ponder at work I guess.
  14. I certainly can't argue with that. I guess I'll tape the glass and try some smoke to darken it up a bit.
  15. Looks like it?
  16. Yes, that does appear to still be in the aircraft I believe.
  17. Still trying to track down drop tanks. Anyone have a guess as to what type the checkerboard ones are? Meanwhile spent time on the interior. I know it didn't have the bullet proof plating behind the seat so I took a wild guess on the modification and I think it looks ok.
  18. No worries. I greatly appreciate all your input and I may repaint it. I'm just not sure how easy it'll be now that its glued on. You guys are the ones keeping me on the straight and narrow so feel free to point out my errors and omissions.
  19. If you look at the picture of the cockpit, to me it certainly seems to be a darker grey than the interior grey, but not a black. It looks to me like it closely matches the color of the center instrument panel so I chose to go that route. I think the exterior pictures make it seem darker than it was. I could be completely wrong, just a best guess.
  20. I prefer the term "Nope Rope"
  21. Yup, his face and snout are all beagle. They're some of my best friends as any dog is to their owner.
  22. We have two pups. A Jack Russell/Schnauzer mix and a Corgi/Beagle mix.
  23. Yes, spring in Texas is lovely and the wife has the backyard ready to enjoy:
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