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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. Kitlinx has it up for preorder and in their latest news letter they said they were expecting the shipment soon. I order mine from a dealer in the Czech republic and paid a stupid amount for shipping but in the end it was about the same amount as Kitlinx is charging once you add shipping.
  2. I don't know John, according to the instructions that come with the kit you are too old... Experienced modellers UNDER 14 years old
  3. Excellent ! Love the attention to detail like the unpainted areas showing with the cowl flaps open
  4. Thanks for that ! I must live in a vacuum as I had never heard of the 'Must Have' kit. I do have the ICM kit but it's not on my immediate build list yet.
  5. I have not been very productive of late as I have been spending most of my modeling time on my dark side hobby (model trains) but I did manage to finish one back in January that has been on my shelf of doom for way too long. It was there waiting for me to master the paint job I wanted and finally admitted defeat and finished it the best I could. The B-8 version was the proposed high altitude night fighter and none were ever built. The kit is the Tamiya B-2 variant to which was added two resin sets from Paragon. (I really miss them) The first being the night fighter conversion and the other was the extended wing set for the B-4 version. As you can see I used and inverse method on the paint scheme as I found I was better at painting blobs than creating them by painting round them. Since none were ever built I chose to use some artistic license. I replaced the resin antenna arrays with a set from Master that wasn't available at the time I started the kit. In the end I was happy with the result. A build log can be found here http://www.olddogsplanes.com/335b8.htm if interested. A comparison shot to show the difference between the B-1 and B-8 Thanks for looking !
  6. Great job as usual
  7. If you end up with all three and don't need the third, I will take them off your hands.
  8. The Typhoon is such a brute, what's not to like
  9. I see the freedom of speech issue brought up frequently when folks get banned from the popular sites, these are all private entities and like any private club, they can decide who belongs. I don't belong to any of them and in my opinion if these sites don't start doing a better job of policing their sites for political rhetoric, conspiracy theories, cancel culture, religious issues, dark web issues, racial discrimination, etc. social media will end up being the downfall of our civilization. Just as politics and religion are not appreciated here the same should go for these social media sites. Just my 2¢ worth.
  10. I dealt with Great Models for years with no issues. I put Kitlinx on my vendors list when Loic started it up. I have not ordered anything from them yet, most often what I want he doesn't have. The few times he's had sale prices that were attractive his shipping costs killed the deal. Sprue Brothers is only about 500 miles away and Kitlinx is closer to 2,500 miles away so Sprue Brothers usually wins in the shipping department.
  11. I used the kit cowls on my P-70 build but I did drill out the exhaust stacks which was quite a chore. The A-20 always stirs some memories for me, my Dad told me one of the first jobs he had in the AAC was installing the life rafts in them before the left for overseas. In spite of the kits age it still builds into a nice replica. I still have one in the stash to build.
  12. I thought I saw some of that at Hobby Lobby recently so it might be worth a check. I've also found that some supplies in short supply at hobby outlets I was able to get from Amazon.
  13. Very nicely done They don't appear to be a very happy lot but I guess before a mission like that they wouldn't be.
  14. Looks good to me, I'd be happy with that result !
  15. Nice, I wish I had the space for these big bombers
  16. Nicely done as usual . Did you go with straight flat black on the underside ?
  17. I decided last year to move my library to get it closer to my modelling area, In the process I reorganized it to make it easier to find things and found I had 10 duplicates of soft cover books and like mentioned above it's tough to give them away, partially due to what it costs to ship them. I had close to 100 hard cover books, mostly general subjects about WWII that I ended up donating to a local library. The were happy to get them and any they didn't want for their collection they sell to raise money for new books.
  18. I recall reading somewhere that the first P-61s to arrive in the pacific were shipped over and the process of striping off the coating that was used to protect them in transit had a bad effect on the paint causing it to come off rather easily, that said I have never seen any photos that looked in as bad a shape as the above model. If he wanted something heavily weathered using a photo like this might have resulted in a better rendition...
  19. I've always thought that this was a good idea as it prevents the interior from looking too uniform and it's one reason I don't get too upset with Eduard's goofy colors on IP's and interior parts. That said I'm usually too lazy to spend the time and effort to multi shade parts.
  20. It looks a little less stubby when you include the engine and cowling
  21. Kermit Weeks is restoring a civilian one that was sold to a gentleman in Brazil prior to the war, he has a number of videos documenting the work on his channel on you tube which shouldn't be hard to find. Most of those still flying today were built in France after the war.
  22. I have one on the way, reports from other sites are encouraging, we'll see.
  23. FWIW someone over at the other place stated the regular price would be 100 euros which sounds reasonable for a kit that size
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