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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Nothing to show. I am completing a Tamiya Seiran float plane. After painting it I decided to strip it due to an unsatisfactory finish. So there is a really dirty float plane. Nobody wants to see that!
  2. Thanks Harv. I am currently building a, wait for it, 1/72 Airfix Spitfire Mk I for a student. Soooooo tiny.
  3. It is growing. I am gonna get another to store my paints properly.
  4. "Sir" Desmond. Thank you very much.
  5. Does that thing pay rent????? Real B-24's are much bigger.
  6. Thankfully the OP boast was not what I originally thought. (Though strangely there is a barely clad woman involved ) Great work!
  7. Beautiful work John. Your skills keep getting better and better. Having taken a break I am looking with fresh eyes. Your work is wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration!
  8. Happy birthday.
  9. Thanks guys. I plan to write on bottle tops. At the moment only Russian, German and Japanese are in sections in the orange boxes. I have more Japanese than any otheotherwiser paint. I really like Japanese aeroplanes.
  10. Thanks mate. I'm gonna get another. If I have to shift house I can roll them out. I hate furniture.
  11. It is rough when it gets like that. Plus it is easy to mis-place things when they have no home. I should have bought 2 big boxes instead of the orange ones. I may get another anyway. It is nice to have a safe drawer for my airbrushes. I have sorted my WWII Japanese and Luftwaffe and my WWII to modern Russian colours. I need to do the US & RAF colours next. At first I wanted paint racks used to display colours in shops but they are ridiculously expensive. Now everything is portable. I am as happy as a puppy standing next to a bowl of ice cream. Look! ->
  12. Being a bit slow, it took me a while to work out how I could store my ever growing modelling tools and paints, pencils etc. Time passed and I wondered "How???" More time...... The opening credits of Days of our lives.... .... "Eureka!!!"
  13. I look forward to seeing it. Why is Jackson knighted? LOTR was good but King Kong sucked. The Queen probably did it for the photo op.
  14. That was unexpected and simply amazing.
  15. Both kids were the sons of a bitch.
  16. Thanks Bill. I have been hesitant until my brain worked properly. Obviously an ongoing work. 1st I need to recognise that the organ in my head ever worked normally at all. I fear my quest will end in tears.
  17. Thanks guys. I hope to paint the model this week.
  18. Hi guys. Long time.... I am keen to get a couple of suitable lamps. I would like something bright that can sit on a desk. I look online but to be honest I am clueless. Thanks guys.
  19. Wonderful. Yes I must have a... The model awaits my skill improvement.
  20. Outstanding.
  21. Thanks Gaz. I saw your excellent He-111 recently and I thought it was marvellous. Well done!
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