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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Just an update on the decal situation. Jim responded back in less than an hour and asked for the dimensions of the kits stars and bars decals so he could match them up. Has a couple going in the mail for me tomorrow! Now that’s service.
  2. Well crap. At another standstill. Started applying decals and noticed Jim didn’t supply the top left wing insignia decal in the darker gray to match the tail codes. Kit decals are way too light to go over the lighter Arctic Gray. I’ve reached out to him to see if he can print me one to match. I also noted the doors on the top of the fuselage back behind the refueling doors are also supposed to be the dark gray. Ugh…back to more detail touch ups.
  3. YOU DONE MESSED UP A A RON! Came down this afternoon to do the touch ups and found out I forgot to dump out the white paint in my airbrush yesterday. Ugh.. It cleaned up easy though. Another reason I like lacquers! Also found a few thin spots too. Respray in this area.
  4. Going to LS swap it while you’re working on it? 🤪 Go ahead, I deserve it. 🤡
  5. Well this is just going to dry for the next 24+ hours and I’ll clean up the edges before adding the black markers. I’m tempted to just cut the black portion out of the kit decals and use those. If I had planned ahead, white would have gone down first, masked it off and then the base arctic gray and dark gray.
  6. Started looking closely at the Alps decals this morning. It seems as if the supplied markings for the inflight refueling doors are completely off. Kit decals are accurate shape, but gray and black, not white and black as per this plane. So wild idea kicks in, I’ll just paint them. After many layers of white, I got in a stupid hurry and didn’t pull the tape correctly. The part that really sucks is I knew better to take my time untaping. So time to man up and correct my stupidity. I’m sitting here watching paint dry and calling myself really bad names right now.
  7. Someone wasn’t pleased with me wanting to sleep in this morning.
  8. Fuzzy edges and leaks of dark gray in panel lines cleaned up. I actually think it’s time for decals and then a flat coat on the upper surfaces. Decals are Alps printed type. I need to email the company and see if a lacquer top coat is safe on them.
  9. Lots more paint and dry time. What do you think about the color now? I did screw up and went light on the outside of the vertical stabs. Not untaping those yet. Going to let it dry overnight and mask off everything and repaint those. I also have a few edges that need some cleaning up. The vinyl masks didn’t stay down in a few spots like Tamiya tape would.
  10. This FS36170 from MRP looks brown. 😱 I sure hope it color changes as it builds up and dries.
  11. And we’re off and running this morning! What a great way to spend a rainy day. Especially since we haven’t seen rain in 2 months here.
  12. First color on! Charcoal N95 mask really helped too!
  13. He wasn’t the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. He also dropped acid in his early days. Always claimed to be having acid flashbacks, but I think that was just his shtick. Start screaming and act stupid all of a sudden in the shop. “Sorry, another acid flashback.” Guy was a nutcase, lots of fun to be around and one hell of a good paint and bodyman.
  14. Dennis, Glad it’s helping! I just got the same injections in my knees last week. But it’s getting to the point of useless quickly. I’m afraid I’m looking down the barrel of knee replacements next year. The PA doing the injections told me I’m beyond needing them looking at X-Rays. Bone spurs destroying the soft tissue. Going to attempt a little weight loss first.
  15. Yea, I use to have a paint and bodyshop. We always got a little “whiff” of the fumes and got quite use to it when spraying primers or old school lacquers. My booth does a really good job of pulling out the overspray, just not sure if I was getting a good dose of fumes in the past because I was use to it from my prior career. But now it definitely lets me know! Related story. When I had my shop I had an employee ask if he could come in and spray a car on a Sunday when we were closed. Sure. Come Monday he calls me up and tells me he cannot breathe because he left his respirator at home and painted without one. I did the typical name calling and cursing at him then told him to get to a doc ASAP. Doc chewed his butt as well and gave him some sort of injection that he said it felt like a truck parked on his chest for a few minutes then cleared everything up. Those catalyzed urethane paints were nothing to fool around with.
  16. Just had a couple orders show up. First is my Hobby Nut order of a few things I’ve been wanting to try out. Flory washes and some UV glue. Second order is a charcoal activated N95 mask. Ever since I caught Covid I’ve been having issues with a nasty dry cough and when I was primering last week, just the smell of the paint and thinner acted as if it sucked the air out of my lungs. My Doc told me this cough and lung condition could last me months. Figured I’d try out this odor reduction mask before going full respirator.
  17. 🤷‍♂️ haven’t even loaded it yet! Of course I haven’t been to a range in almost two years. I need to work on that. I will say that PSA has “corrected” the grip angle feel with the Dagger vs the Glock. Points more natural like a 1911 ( my favorite BTW). I also have a Glock 17 that I use as my silencer host. Yea, it’s far from silent like Hollywood would like to make people think.
  18. I’m on their email list. Just reading their wall of text gives me a headache. I think I ordered from them once years ago, thus the constant emails. I should unsubscribe. My go-to’s are Hobby Nut, Sprue Brothers and Squadron. They are my local hobby shops.
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