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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. I think it was mentioned on TOS someone read on Brit Modeler it’s an August due date. Of course they may be talking about Europe delivery.
  2. Mostly Mr. Color but I also have a lot of MRP that I started out with. MRP offers a few colors Mr. Colors doesn’t have. Sorry…I was answering and the wife wanted me to do something. I’m painting this one using all Mr. Color paints. I think I might have to use MRP on the flat black around the cockpit. Got to check my paint inventory. But I like the versatility Mr. Color offers since it comes thick and I have to thin it. I can also brush touch using it.
  3. LOL that you think it works that way. As my wife puts it, “I use my shoes and handbags. You have 300 kits you haven’t used yet, but yet you want another? You will have to live to 287 yo to build what you have now.” They just don’t understand logic.
  4. Doing a close up inspection after what I thought was final touch ups on the F-14. Noticed a few nicks in the tip of the nose cone. Just hit it with some 400 grit to remove them, smoothed it out with 800. few hits of Mr. Finishing 1500, wipe over it 5 min later with the 800 and applied a few light coats of FS16440 and blended with leveling thinner. Man, back in the day when I was shooting Model Master enamels I would have had to set it aside for a week to dry.
  5. Ok, I think I’ve just experienced a Bob Ross “Happy little accident”. I was doing some touch ups on the top finish and then laid down a wet coat of leveling thinner to blend new pain with existing. I then thinned my clear and started laying down some wet coats. Thinned it a little more and went back over it once again for a second clear prior to decals and weathering. Suddenly I noticed my panel lines were getting darker. Apparently I put in enough thinner for the paint down in the panel lines to float up and out of them. Looks like I won’t have to apply a wash to the panel lines! Update: Well, looks like I do have some touch ups to do. Got some puddling of color that just looks wrong. A little more airbrush work is in order.
  6. Order placed 11 days ago, nothing yet from them. I hope it wasn’t his shipping guy he had to let go. 🤪
  7. I use an old jig saw with a small Irwin wood clamp inserted into the blade holder. I simply cup my hand around the bottle while it’s running. Jig saw is variable speed so it’s not full throttle shaking. Go as fast or as slow as I want.
  8. Bill, that is absolutely stunning! Well done sir!
  9. For the life of me, I cannot believe Ernie left off the biggest granddaddy of them all, the Devastator. I know, it’s still vaporware until it’s in your paws… But Trumpeter also came out with the F-35A this year and the B is on the way. They did the C late last year. Also….Kotare Spitfire Mk.Ia I have noticed a slowing trend in aftermarket for 1/32. Caracal has gotten out of 1/32 decals and I think Two Bobs did as well, but cannot verify. I think Ernie posted the other day that it seems Eastern Europe is picking up the pace on a lot of new aftermarket.
  10. So Friday night some campers let a campfire get out of control on one of the popular camping islands here on the lake. Whoever is in charge made the decision to let it burn since it’s a small island and no one is in danger. The entire lake is now covered in smoke. We just went out for a boat ride and visibility is very restricted. Thankfully we are expecting storms in the next 2-3 hours for some much needed rain and hopefully it will clear out the smoke as well.
  11. It reminds me of the old Smith Miniplane kit that Sig use to put out for RC years ago. Was always one of my favorites.
  12. Holy cow! That thing is tiny!! Looks like a half scale model. I bet it’s a blast for an accomplished pilot.
  13. Pretty cool! Now stop it with all the 1/24 nonsense! I have enough issues already with 1/32. 🤪🤪 Edit: Book marked for future projects! My daughter can do my cutting for me. Just need to find the mask material now. Thanks!
  14. I’m not doing this in the group build. Already put two in there and I just didn’t want to be rushed this time of the year. Spring time is my busy time of the year around the home trying to get yearly maintenance issues done before the “Welcome to Hell” heat and humidity kicks in. Thankfully I’ve been very productive and only have 2 projects to go before I’m done with my list. Gotta change the power steering pump and lines on my old truck and soft wash the exterior of the house. Hopefully, all done next week, weather permitting. But nothing like sitting at my bench in 70 degree temps looking out across the lake knowing it miserable outside. 🤪. Eventually I’ll wind up floating in the lake consuming beers on my wife’s days off.
  15. According to my decal sheet they all had gray surfaces. But I’ll look closer. I’m doing 200. I’ll watch the movie scene again too. Edit: Another non-modeling forum I’m a member of, I posted this project. One of the guys there was actually working the movie set and told me that during that time period they were making the transition to all gray upper surfaces and these were all gray. I just watched the scene posted in your build thread and could not detect any white upper surfaces. But it did look like on the bottom they were true white and not the FS white that’s a shade off.
  16. Wait!? What? Dr. Spock? That’s Mr. Spock. Funny but related story. I grew up as a young kid in a time when Dr. Spock’s book on child rearing was all the rage. I use to hear all the parents referring to him. Of course I was also a Trekkie as a kid and I was really confused because Mr. Spock never discussed child issues on Star Trek. I thought I was missing some episodes of Star Trek the parents were watching.
  17. Did my first brisket on my electric smoker a couple weeks back. I over cooked it, but it tasted great with bbq sauce. Doing another next week, but this time during daylight hours, not while I sleep. I’m use to doing pork butts that cook completely different. Seems the trick to the brisket is wrapping and holding it at 150 or in a cooler wrapped up in towels.
  18. That’s us in the spring with the pollen. It’s the one thing I discovered during the pandemic. I even wear it now when mowing the yard if it’s dry.
  19. Hell, it’s hitting us down here in South Carolina as well. Very hazy view trying to look across the lake. No odor or color though.
  20. Yea, very little paint. Lots of Mr. Color leveling thinner though. This one is my first attempt. I kind of like the black base technique. It gives me more control during the painting process that I can actually see coming alive vs. solid base color and hoping the weathering does the trick. I actually bought 3 bottles of 16440 for this one airplane and was thinking it would have taken a solid two. I only used an old bottle that was half full and still have a lot of the thinned mix left over in another bottle for the next Navy carrier bird this color.
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