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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Discount on manufacturers ending in X, Y or Z. Who would ever think I could rack up $50 of stuff from X, Y and Z? But they got me again! Zotz stuff and Yellow Wings was the majority of my weakness.
  2. 7 gears and paddle shifter is not a CVT. Sounds like a regular automatic trans. Ahh, the old gas pedal lag…. My wife’s Honda has it really bad and it’s almost gotten me in trouble a few time in heavy traffic. I really hate her 2021 Honda Pilot. Pedal lag, lane warning alarms constantly going off, cruise control slamming on the brakes at 80 mph if a car changes lanes in front of me. If all new cars are mandated to have these “safety features “ I’ll be spending lots of money on old cars. Can’t wait to see the public’s reactions when the mandated breathalyzer you have to blow to start the car hit the market in a few years.
  3. I needed this for encouragement! Thanks. That is really turning out great.
  4. I wish we could still get small diesels like that here in the states. I use to have a Samurai. Diesel conversion was pretty popular.
  5. Rog, if the Juke has the infamous Nissan CVT, make sure you go above and beyond fluid changes. Here in the states, Nissan has a terrible reputation for their CVT. My daughter had an Altima during college. At 104,000 miles the trans started acting up and throwing the car in service mode and her speed would drop to 25-40 MPH on the interstate. Took it to a dealership and service manager told us it needed a new transmission at a cost of $5000. Nope! He said if you had done the the trans fluid change every 20,000 miles it would still be working. OK, every 20,000 miles is a bit excessive and tells me they have a bad design. These days you almost cannot sell a used Nissan with the CVT to an informed buyer. And sadly it’s making people shy away from Honda and others that seem to have gotten it right.
  6. Wow! A Nissan Joke, er, Juke. Already dead here in the states too. I guess it was just too small for some and too big for others. Replaced with a smaller SUV, the Kick.
  7. Well slowly getting there. I’m only able to glue a short section of the fuselage halves at a time due to warpage. Glue, clamp or hold and walk away a few hours. This will probably be all until next week. Wife signed up for a continuing Ed conference in Hilton Head and we leave tomorrow. What I didn’t know was this will be the big week of the PGA Heritage. I’m not a golfer, just dumb luck we’re going to be fighting crowds for restaurants and traffic.
  8. Oh, and the two front halves look completely different from the back side. Almost like they were from two different production runs of molds. Inside details cut differently. I am keeping in mind this is a 34 year old kit I bought second hand. No telling if somewhere along the line bagged sprues May have gotten mixed up with another kit. But it’s really odd considering my last two built really easy.
  9. Holy cow. This is my third big Revell F-14 I’ve built. None of the others gave me fit issues like this one is doing. Lots of age warped plastic like I’ve seen with older large kits. Cockpit floor/main section was so bad I almost cut it in two so it would fit. Others mentioned the front fuselage to rear half fit. This one is so bad I’ve started out by gluing front half to unassembled rear half and holding things in place until the glue sets up. then I’ll tackle attaching the bottom with wings in place. The front view of the top half is like a “V” shape and the V has grown to more of an angle over time. First start was fighting that.
  10. Yea, all my life I’ve heard my wife complain about her plumbing working as it should and how men don’t have to put up with our friend coming to visit every month. And how she’s so happy now that she’s older. What I didn’t expect was us men having to chase doctors and procedures to KEEP our plumbing working in old age.
  11. I actually felt my body getting weaker and fatter when I took a desk job 12-14 years ago. Was I smart enough to counter that with some sort of exercise routine? Of course not. I worked hard for this position. I earned it! It was time to “relax”. I will add that now since I have retired I’m more active than I have been in those 12-14 years. But now one or two days of highly active work brings on 3 days of recovery. Even longer if I do something stupid like picking up heavy 5 gallon buckets full of lumber scraps up and over the side of my truck bed instead of lowering the tailgate to get them out. Yea, shoulder is all out of whack now after that one last Thursday.
  12. My MIL suffered from COPD and she begged God to take her every day. It was horrible watching her suffer.
  13. Oh, I’ll change after my Sunday shower and put on some clean ones.
  14. Ok, not gonna lie. I’ve been home alone all day and never got out of my pajamas. 🤡 Got a good bit accomplished with the office. Lots of mods to the plastic and lots of mods to the Quinta details made for the Trumpeter kit.
  15. Mark, I’m a little late to this thread, but I have one of the old 8” round fluorescent tube lights with the magnifier in the center. My tube died and I bought an LED upgrade off Amazon for it. So much brighter now! Highly recommend this conversion to anyone that has one of these.
  16. With my kit I bought Jerry included a lot of Tamiya sprues with the landing gear. Among those sprues were the ejection seats I’m going to try to use and the closed exhaust nozzles. I’ve already worked those out and I’ll be using them with the build. I think trimming a little off the bottom of the seats and I’ll be GTG.
  17. Quinta interior for the Trumpeter kit arrived. I’ve been prepping the cockpit by smoothing down the details provided by Revell. So far everything for the Trumpeter panels looks like it walk all fit with a few mods to parts and 3D decals. So close.
  18. Years back I pulled up into a parking spot at Pet Smart. In the empty spot next to me was a throw rug someone tossed out of their car because they were too lazy to dispose of it properly. I sent a pic of it to my family with “Look, flying carpet parking at Pet Smart”
  19. Progress! Sprayed some white primer this evening on intake areas, landing gear and the reskit wheels. Wow, detail is amazing on these. Even has the valve stem on them.
  20. Another “proverbial bench” project…. Or how I spent my day yesterday and later today. Duke Energy has lowered our lake about 4’ under normal, so getting down to our floating dock is kind of dangerous trying to balance on an 8’ A frame ladder while stepping on a dock that moves under your weight. So for this summers activities, the wife had tasked me to build a set of stairs so the grand kids can safely access the lower dock. Now I just have to figure out how to get these heavy things down to the lower dock. Going to take 4 or 5 people to lower them into place. steps have not been attached yet, probably saves 60-70 lbs, but I have to finish the hand rails today. Funny thing is, I paid a guy $1600 + materials last weekend to replace the front steps on my house. After this set of tiny stairs, that was money well spent.
  21. https://www.thegundamgalaxy.com/gx100-super-clear-iii-mr-color.html https://clarksvillehobbydepot.com/products/super-clear-iii-18ml?variant=42832140435699&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic Amazon as well, but it’s like $8.50 per bottle.
  22. Does Jennings own Fundekals or just do some contracting work for them? Their website has nothing about the owners, location, etc.. As caustic as he comes off as, he really does seem know his stuff. Well, to a point. Then there’s just his opinion becoming absolutes. His main profession is a CRNA like my wife. I fully understand his personality. It seems that the “passing gas” profession requires a very knowledgeable personality and they are the one person that can and will shut down a surgeon right there and then on the spot in an OR. It takes a strong person to tell a surgeon “No, this ain’t happening today.”
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