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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Well, that was surprising to see the sold auctions. Someone did a BIN for $450. Seems they are bringing $325 to $450. I think I might have to try selling on eBay again. I’m hard pressed to build a kit that’s been in the stash all these years knowing it’s bringing that kind of change. I still have an extra set of decals so I can build the two seater from a SUFA kit.
  2. I tried the preorder, but it has a blank box below the email address and it requires it to be filled in, but with what? Something is lost in translation. Mirek also mentioned that there would be a forum discount code on the other site.
  3. I think the latest post was something about waiting on one more sprue mold to be made. I’ve seen photos of all the spruces ready to go so far. Still contemplating if I really need to add another great kit to the stash at this time. Might get it just because if I do decide one day, it will be too late or I’ll have to pay 3X for a kit. I want to be the guy that sells it for 3X if I decide not to build it.
  4. It’s the latest thing with the automotive industry since paint has gone nuts in cost due to EPA regulations, labor costs and the insurance industry basically taking over body shops with regulations and cost controls. Try to find a shop these days that will do an all over paint job, other than the Maaco places....
  5. OMG! I could not do kids that far apart. Our oldest and youngest has a 8.5 year spread. After keeping our 2yo grand for a few hours, that’s a young mans game now! Travel safe and have a great time! Our grand is only 3 miles down the road.
  6. Great idea! I have a very similar cart I usually keep a piece of old plywood on top of. It’s a cheap Harbor Freight cart and for some reason one side is taller than then the other, so if I don’t take time to modify it, it won’t have a level top. But I’m looking into building something very similar but more of a fold up paint booth with a fan and ducting. I’ll keep the fan unit on it along with the air compressor and cleaning supplies.
  7. Sweet! My old FFL/gunsmith had a full auto that he built as a dealer sample. He went in with a few other guys to fund it, then they would all go to the range and have a day of fun. He went out of business, moved out of town and no one knows what happened to the MG-42. I'm sure he got a friendly visit from the man. Last Fall I bought a PTR9c, MP5 copy in semi. No way I could drop $36K for a real full auto, besides, the fun would wear off quickly after a few mag dumps. I've posted pics of it here already. I've got an old classic S&W Model 60 snub nose being delivered to my FFL on Monday.
  8. I use to hear that all the time with the '94-'04 Mustangs. When the factory assembled the car, the top adjuster had one little pop rivet they used to hold things together for assembly. All a shop had to do was simply drill it out with an 1/8" drill bit and move on. But I guess it was easier to just not do the work.
  9. Umbrellas provide soft lighting. Direct flash creates hard lighting. Best way to explained this is go out side on a sunny day. Look at your shadow. See the hard outline? Hard lighting. Go out on a cloudy day. Notice how it’s hard to define the shadow and see an edge? Soft lighting. Now I won’t go into main, fill, background and hair lighting. Or color temp..... I was in Vegas one time and two couples asked me to take their pic with their cell phone camera. I took the photo they wanted, then I had them step over about 15’ to a shadow area with a huge white wall (but out of the frame) next to them. Positioned them just right and took the pic. They were blown away and asked me if I was a pro. Nope, just a hobbyist that has made a few bucks off of it.
  10. I've been buying a few 1/48's lately myself. But it's actually O Gauge trains. I think the only 1/48's I have are kits I bought years ago that weren't available at the time or still not, in 1/32 P-61-Now have the HB kit. AC-47 B-26 Hoping and praying this comes out in 1/32 B-29- No way in hell I could display this in 1/32. Tamiya Lancaster I built over 10 years ago. Now have the big boy kit.
  11. I did. Almost 32 years ago! Well, we were actually laying on the beach on a blanket. I can't complain. In the very beginning we put her career first since it had the biggest FEP vs. my career change. (Future Earnings Potential). I can say if finally paid off big time when she went back to school 13 years ago to become a CRNA. Being the control freak type she is, it took some retraining and the occasional reminder she's my wife, not my mother. Honestly, my wife has a reason to have concern. My Mom is a hoarder (we have the exact same personalities) and she fears for my future and hers. I constantly struggle with the Hoarder mentality. I see a new kit, I instantly want it. But then I have to ask myself, would I build that first, or one of my current kits? I see a new watch I like. I have to ask myself would I wear it over one that I currently have and like? Hell, I've even getting the urge to do a train layout. I don't have room for that stuff! WTH am I thinking?? My wife likes dumping lots of money into trips. She's getting the itch for a small lake house now that we will eventually relocate to for retirement. Told her last week that she needs to start living a little more frugal if she wants to see that goal. (2 cruises and 4 vacations last year) I did tell her that I am not willing to downsize my lifestyle during retirement that I have worked all of my life to get to. She would be happy sitting on a screen porch sipping coffee or wine and reading a book all day with the occasional trip. Not me. Gotta do my models, wood working, cars, gun collection, etc....
  12. I thought about getting Ernie to send me that B-36 kit for a week or two just for the LOLz! But I'm afraid as a corpse, I would not be able to return it to him.
  13. Yesterday we had to rent a U-Haul and drive up to Clemson to clean out our daughters apartment after she came home sick with COVID. She since recovered, went to work at a summer camp in TX, and got kicked out because every else was coming down with it. We told her to say in ATL with the boy friend so she doesn’t bring it into the house again. So the wife decided we needed to clean up some old stuff in the basement and make room for a few items. In the process, she found my hidden stash. I kept all my syfi kits behind another fold out wall on top of filing cabinets. She wasn’t too happy and threatened me if another model shows up at the house. I’m tempted to order something just to see if she’s serious.
  14. I will say, it won’t take much to twist my wife’s arm. She’s been itching for a trip back to Vegas. I’m giving it some serious thought.
  15. Like this??
  16. Just an update. I haven’t been allowed back to work due to her coming home until I was self quarantined for 14 days and tested positive myself. Just got my results back yesterday from my test over a week before. Negative of course. I still have to verify with Student Health Services to make sure there are no procedures or anal probes necessary first. Her COVID cost me more time off that it did her.
  17. Sorry for y’alls loss. But is was so great that he got to say good by to her. My mom is alone in a nursing home, just diagnosed with MRCA and is loading up on antibiotics. I’ve got a bad feeling that when she does pass she will be all alone, although I am 3 or 4 miles away.
  18. Kit #8 is on the way. Sorry, one popped up on eBay with a $100 shipped BIN price. Couldn’t resist.
  19. Do both! I have the Memphis Belle kit and a G. Planning on doing one of each. Gotta get the aluminum foil technique mastered first.
  20. Well life is back to normal. State Agency cleared her, wife tested negative and daughter drove back to her apartment and started cleaning it out for her move. thanks all. Prayers worked!
  21. Just got results. She tested hot for COVID. She’s a week in on symptoms now. Thankfully none for us at this time. Wife is heading out to get tested now. I’ve got to do another test before returning to work. I did a test the day before she came home and it was negative.
  22. For giggles and grins I was watching an Academy Block 50/52 kit on eBay last week because of that nice decal and stencil kit I bought. Auction started out around $50. It sold for $189.00. I know the kit is out of production, but Academy just brought back the SUFA. I’m sure they will do the same for the single seat models too. I was going to add #8 to the stash if I could have snagged it for under $90
  23. Thanks guys. This morning I woke up with a sore throat. All I could think of was “I touched the same door knob she used....”. Funny how the mind plays tricks on you.
  24. Daughter called yesterday with a 100.9 fever from her cottage she lives in at college. Momma told her to get home where she can keep a close but distant eye on her. She’s getting a COVID test tomorrow and with her living under our roof (but isolated upstairs) I’m not allowed back at work until she has a negative test. Oh, and she told us that her 4 other friends she went out with last week all tested positive. She’s been under 100 for almost 24 hours now and doing pretty good. So today I took my COVID test, but I have to have another before returning to work. Yay!
  25. So, while decanting spray cans, I have discovered that straws from McDonald's work best because they are much larger diameter that your average straw. So when I swung into the Mickey D's drive through yesterday I asked for a couple extra straws for the hobby stash. Lady working the window gave me the stink eye and I got a "Umhuhh...I know what you're about to do...." And then it dawned on my that cocaine users like the McDonald's straws as well for the larger diameter. "Oh, no! I'm not doing that...LOL!!" "Oh yea honey, my son likes to put three straws into his cup too...." Funny thing was there was a police car right behind me in line. FWIW, 30+ years ago when I was a much younger and naive man working in a body shop I always wondered why all these customers cars had cut up McDonald's straws in them.
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