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Everything posted by EmperorKai

  1. Thanks Carl! I actually intend to do a whole series of 1/32 science fiction including the Star Fury. I'm currently in the design phase of the UFO Moonbase Interceptor from the TV show. Other 32 scale projects on my include SA-43 Hammerhead from Space Above and Beyond X-Wing and Y-Wing, Star Wars UD-4L Cheyenne Drop Ship from Aliens Blackbird and Stealth Viper from Battlestar Galactica 2003 I've also got quite a list on non-32 scale sci-fi on my list as well
  2. Thanks Scott- Nice job on the Seaview! I'll be re-visiting the Ark II project again to add a full interior and do the Roamer as well on the ramp off the back. I went through that project with the possibility of producing it as a kit. If I can find my build pics, perhaps I'll add a build post for it. In the meantime I have a big ol' list of other sci-fi projects I also want to do...
  3. Very cool Scott! A beautiful job and a nice presentation of two such iconic subs. I'm also excited that you're talking about doing more sci-fi! Kai
  4. I hear you Hubert- I had the same dilemma. I feel fortunate in that I feel my design skills have improved to the point now where I can print better than I can scratch build for most things. The ability to improve and reprint as many times as I want is also a huge benefit. What 3D printers are you using?
  5. Thanks much Chris- Unfortunately I'm not on Facebook, but I'll see if I can work out something so I can check in with him directly.
  6. Thanks Martin for the heads up- I am greatly relieved to see that Harv is hanging tough.
  7. Hey Jeff- Totally late chiming in here, but love seeing your truck builds! I'm in the middle of a Mad Max tanker truck conversion (currently on the shelf of doom actually), but seeing your builds makes me want to dig it back out. I've also added the "Duel" tanker truck and "Big Trouble in Little China" rigs to the stash awhile ago, so there's no shortage of fellow interest. Kai
  8. Howdy folks- it's been awhile, and thought I'd check in to see how everyone is doing. I'm very pleased to still see many familiar names here and hope all is well with each of you. I haven't had a chance to catch up with the site- still reading through many of the threads, but I am not seeing much of Harv. I hope very much that he is well- perhaps someone here could bring me up to date? As for myself, still building quite a bit since "retiring" though my eyes are not quite up to par anymore, so I've changed up my approach a bit. One of the things I've been spending time with is 3D design and printing. I've done quite a few projects over the past couple of years, mostly science fiction but some military modeling as well. I'll include a few pics. Among my recent projects, the ARK II (from the 70s TV show) in a proper 1/24 scale. Currently prepping decals for that one. The Klingon Bird-of-Prey from Star Trek is actually a series of detail parts that I did up for the AMT kit. In the background of the BOP is a very long term project, the Randy Cooper Star Destroyer, a rather atrocious kit. Fiber optics and a plethora of parts and assemblies including engines and the hanger bay. Lastly, the Thunderbolt from Babylon 5 in 1/32. Pretty cool to see that one next to an F-14 Tomcat. In the background of that pic is the unpainted prototype- that project went through over 140 design iterations. The display base turned out really nice as well- I really need to take some decent pics of the finished model. The 3D work here is done by myself. I've considered the idea of producing some of these kits for sale, but I'm not ready to work that hard yet. The ability to design the kits I always wanted but weren't made has opened up so many possibilities, and I'd rather focus on those right now. For example, I just picked up another P-61B kit so I can finally do an XP-61E. In the meantime, I'm currently working on bunch of WW2 armor- if I can get my camera to work I can post. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and let everyone know I'm still working hard at re-living my childhood. 😁 Kai
  9. What is the gray object? It looks like it could be a tube launched cruise missile... Kai
  10. Thanks gents and for looking in on my build! Back home now from my travels and just now getting caught up. Cheers! Kai
  11. Peter, John- thanks much my friends. Kai
  12. Thanks friends for the kind words. I’ve been travelling with little acess to internet lately, so please excuse the blanket reply. Looking forward to returning home in the few weeks and to building some more Kai
  13. Thanks Drifter! Toys for Christmas, batteries for birthday.
  14. Fantastic parade there Gaz! Kai
  15. Gaz- thanks much and for following along with the build!
  16. Thanks Harv! Thanks a million for watching over my build Kai
  17. Very nice Mikester- these look great with the backgrounds! Kai
  18. F/O Albert Medcalf’s Spitfire Mk.I (L1016 DW-Q), 610 Squadron 610 squadron began operations over the Belgium area in early May 1940, and by the 27th were supporting the Dunkirk evacuations when they encountered an He-111. While the the bomber was dispatched, 610 squadron in turn found themselves in combat with some 40 Me-110’s. Three of the Messerschmitt’s were accounted for, however 610 lost two of their own- Sergeant William Medway and FO Albert Medcalf. By the time operation Dynamo was concluded, half of the original members of 610 squadron would killed, missing or wounded. This is the old-tool Revell kit that was originally released in 1969. To improve some of the details, a donor Hasegawa kit was raided for: cockpit carburator scoop propeller canopy and windshield landing gear doors Aftermarket used includes: Quickboost exhaust Brassin landing gear CMK/Quickboost seat True Details wheels EZ-Line for antenna wires Eagle Edition decals Scratchbuilding and corrections were needed to address many of the kits shortcomings: landing gear bays gun ports radiator and oil cooler minor interior and exterior details fit issues at cowl panels and control surfaces Build time was about 2 months. Colors are generally Vallejo (which went on very nicely) along with some Tamiya and Model Master enamel. Mig Dark wash, oils, pigments and pastels were also used during the finishing process. The work-in-progress build thread can be found here. I enjoyed the build and am pleased with the outcome. Thanks to all those that followed along and for the helpful input and encouragement. I hope you enjoy and Happy New Year! Kai
  19. A final update here. The Eagle Editions decals included the tape for the gun ports, however they looked a little bigger than images I was finding on the internet, so I used Tamiya tape instead. I ended up painting these Model Master Crimson Red. Here is a before-after pic of the Quickboost exhausts which are much better than either the Revell or Hasagawa parts. On the right, the base color, which is a home brew mix made from Tamiya colors. On the left, a simple application of pigments. Much of the effect was lost once a flat coat was applied, so I had to re-apply pigments and some pastels to restore the effect once these were glued into place. All the bits and pieces, loose ends and last minute knick-knacks have been added, and at this point, the build is now complete, making this all but my second for 2018. Hoping to improve on this in the new year Pics of the completed build can be found here. Thanks much for looking in and following along! Kai
  20. Thanks Peter! It's good to know I'm not the only one to cross that bridge sideways... I haven't tried the Tamiya panel washes yet, but have most of them. I'd love to do a quick tutorial on the Mig wash. Let me check on pics as they would help illustrate the process. Kai
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