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Everything posted by biggtim

  1. Sometimes a misspelling can nail the situation better than the correct one.....
  2. OMG, that news just floored me. What a bummer!!
  3. The tail went in the mail this morning, John!
  4. Crick-cats? Catroaches? I have to know....
  5. I won't ever be mature enough not to find that funny.
  6. Some types of resin do not get along with other materials. Case in point - the liquid resin I use for 3D printing some masters does not like the platinum-cure silicone I used for making molds. I have to prime the printed part before using it as a master, or the silicone will not sure properly. As you can imagine, I learned this the hard way.....
  7. x2. This is the one I use most. https://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/product_info.php?cPath=21_105&products_id=474&osCsid=801e04bc649cf59760c0234a3c7518b1
  8. I would buy one of those for sure!!!
  9. Haha, my thought exactly!!!! Though I have gargled with it before....
  10. I don't have that kit - can you show some pics of them?
  11. Thanks, but I didn't exactly have to do much. It's really just a copy of the Hase K tail modified to be one piece. I don't usually do that, but with it long OOP, there seemed no other way to get one. Carl is sending me an N tail to do the same thing.
  12. biggtim


    Yep, I got the flu about new years day or so. Just on the last stages of it now. It was worse than COVID, though not the worst flu I've had. I sure don't want that dang norovirus, though. I've had a few friends get that, and they spent a few days ejecting things in both directions.
  13. This is crazy - snowing in NOLA, and clear and sunny up here in WA, though quite cold. Usually we'd have a lot of snow by now. Very odd winter.
  14. What a bummer!!
  15. He's actually doing pretty well, and has been standing on his own some lately during PT!! Looks good, has lost some weight, seems to be happy and getting on well. I'll tell him you asked.
  16. As noted, I'm looking for a full or partial set of these to buy or borrow. Thanks! Tim
  17. While I'm working on a whole slew of new things, I'm trying to squeeze in a few easy ones at the same time. One of those is Jerry Rutman's B-25 tail gun canvas cover and gun set formerly sold by Grey Matter Figures. It's ready to cast for 14 USD (tax inclusive), so shoot me an email or PM if you need one! Tim bnbresigndesign@gmail.com
  18. I saw it, but I can find no corroboration.
  19. Believe me, that crossed my mind. The problem is that I am bumping up against the limits of what I can handle while still employed full time and with another part time job. I just made a casting deal with another company that will eat ALL of my spare time for at least a few weeks. I'm reaching the point where I may have to cut my regular hours back to 4 days per week to have an extra day to devote to this stuff. I'd just quit and do this full time if I could make enough to get by, but I'm not quite ready to do that. Damn sorry to see another good one fold up.
  20. Insanely well done! Especially impressed by the realism of the road surface.
  21. Great kit, best Sherman ever!! Built it a few years ago myself.
  22. What the hell is a tally?
  23. That P320-going-off-by-itself stuff is very, very uncommon, in my experience, and usually due to some sort of pilot error. The ones that had any issues were the very first ones, and they fixed that on subsequent models. You can also buy it with a manual safety now. Mine does not have one, it is the striker fired no safety type. I find it to be quite safe if you're not a stupid dipshit (which I hope I am not!!). I keep it in a level 2 retention holster so nothing can access the trigger, and take the "ready-to-go" nature of it very seriously, especially since there is always a round in the chamber. The Uberti Yellow Boy is on my bucket list. They do make outstanding firearms. Mine is a Beretta Stampede, but made by Uberti. It is a very faithful replica. Keep trying, you will not be sorry if you get one.
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