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Everything posted by CrankyCrafstman

  1. Hey all I finally made it to painting some stuff.This view shows the interior almost done. This view shows the front roof support brace and the firewall. I think I got the Elfenbein a little to yellow, I'll fix it when I weather the interior. This view shows the radio operators position. You can also see the drivers side ammo bin and the gyro compass. I still need to paint the Elfenbein on the rest of the interior. This view shows the drivers position. This view shows both the drivers and the radio operators positions. View through the drivers hatch of the steering wheel. View through the drivers hatch of the instrument panel. View through the drivers hatch of the gyro compass. view through the radio operators hatche. Picture of WW2 German gyro compass. This view shows the gyro compass from AFV Modeller. Well that's it for now be back with more soon. Ron G
  2. Hey Carl Yes, mostly, I use evergreen sheet, tubes and shapes some plastruct and any left over stuff from my parts bin that I can make work. I also use Meng nuts & bolts, detail masters wires & stuff what ever I can make work for the situation at hand. Ron G
  3. Hey all Some more updates for you to look at. Last couple of days I've been working on the rear firewall. This view shows the 1/35 firewall on the right and my 1/16 scratch built firewall on the left. Closer view of the firewall. This view shows the firewall in place in the tank with the fighting compartment floor. This view shows the firewall along with the rest of the interior detail. The three water cans are from Battleground models. This view shows the finished firewall. This view shows the drivers area ammo storage bin. These are from Battleground models. Field binoculars and field table. This is fully adjustable. View showing a figure with the binoculars. This view shows a water can on the left and fuel can on the right. Well that's it for now be back with more updates soon. Ron G
  4. Happy birthday Martin 🎂🥳
  5. Hey guys I did some more work on the Tiger 1. I made the hand brake lever and all of the pedals. A view from the top down showing the three pedals. This view shows the hand brake lever and the pedals. Closer view of the three pedals and hand brake lever. This is a clearer view of the hand brake lever. Well that's it for now be back soon with more updates. Ron G
  6. Hey all Just a small update for you all to look at. So this is a picture of the transmission and radios. I added the shifter (black knob) and the forward/reverse lever (red knob). I know it's not 100% correct, but it looks cool. I also got a start on the instrument panel. This view shows the steering wheel and it's mechanism that I scratch built. That's all for now be back soon with more. Ron G
  7. Hey guys I'm back, thank god for this hobby it allows me to concentrate on modeling and not on my sons death. Ok, enough morbid crap. I did some more work on the Tigers transmission. This view shows the fighting compartment floor, rear fire wall and the trans with the radio and the steering wheel I scratch built. closer view of the turret basket floor. This view shows the steering wheel and the front of the trans. This view shows the radio and trans from the radio operators area. Also I found some ammo boxes from a company in Germany. There are also a bunch of gertsaks that go here. This view shows a closer look at the radio. This view shows the AFV Modeller resin radio. This is actually the one that AFV has for the Panzer IV.
  8. I have this one. It works really well on Vallejo style dropper bottles. It's a little harder to use for Tamiya style bottles, but the advantage of using it is, it really feels good on your hand, thumb and wrist when you use it...lol Ron G
  9. Thanks again everyone
  10. Thanks Jeff I'm doing as best as expected, I think I finally came to the point where I realize that he's gone and we are trying to cope with it. This really hit my wife hard. I have stuff that I need to take down to my hobby area, but I just can't go down there yet. It will get better with time I know, but right now his presence is still down there. Ron G (a very sad dad)
  11. Thanks to everyone Ron G
  12. SO, what did I get this morning. A VERY rude awakening. I live in a condo with a upstairs and a downstairs. My son lives down stairs where my hobby room is. I went downstairs this morning to do some modeling on the Tiger 1, and BAM! There was my son on the floor in his room stiff as a board and cold as ice. Yes he was dead from a stroke or heart attack, we don't know yet. God can be really cruel sometimes. He was 47 years old, way to young to die. There's a old saying " you shouldn't outlive your kids" Well enough depressing news, it will probably be a while before I can go down there to do any modeling, so the Tiger is on hold for awhile. Sadly Ron G
  13. Ok Martin, is that a waffle maker...lol Ron G
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