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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. all good stuff my friend. a beautiful build with exceptional skillsets. atta boy Nick!
  2. Καλό βράδυ Nick! Η διαμόρφωσή σας facultyof είναι έξοχα. Oopa! Όμορφος! Έχω τυπώσει τις προσπάθειές σας και θα χρησιμοποιήσω ως μελλοντική έκθεση. Πίνω Polomari στο τέρμα σας. Adio - Rick Ελληνικά μου όχι καλά
  3. very interesting data. until my skill-sets improve a ten-fold my builds will follow the FICE Doctrine. but being a technichal geek that I am its always nice to see authorative exchange on a given topic. bottom line is, I learned something...so it was worth my while to wake up this morning. I truly value and am always open to anyones expertise. I learned a long time ago to surround myself with people smarter than me. this is why I am here.
  4. Me thinks ZM's next 1/32 will be a FW190. On edge of my seat for 1/32 Tamiya Jug and cannot wait to get my hands on their F4U.
  5. beautiful build on this trop F. I just finished book "A Higher Call" and am inspired to do a Marseille and Stigler double build. kudos on your photography skill-sets.
  6. nice work on that Dora, like the NMF on undersides. Your English is fine. I wish my Greek as good as your English.
  7. Nice review Nick. Been waiting for the H6, are you going to hit some bench time?
  8. good news Harv, now get back to that 38!
  9. nice shots, thanks for sharing. all these beautiful aircraft less than an hours drive from me and I could not make the trip the Manassas. Will make it there in '14 for sure. nice shot of Buzz.
  10. hang in there Harv. thoughts and prayers for quick recovery and return to the bench.
  11. strength and prayers coming your way for the little one and family!
  12. My reserve was on the low end or what I paid. Those Firefly tanks retailed for $15 and I placed reserve at $5 and watched the fireworks. All my planes I reserved exactly what I paid...then watch the "Carp go for the crackers".
  13. My sales territory included the Mid Atlantic and Southeast. I picked up my first 21st Century plane 1:32 in 2002. They were pretty cool. During my travels and when I had time I would visit the local WalMart and Target and would pic up some of the latest releases or another with a scheme I liked. Most of the time I'd never open them. With exceptions of ones I'd used for "History Presentations" at a local school and conferences where our company had a vendor set up and or I was a presenter. Usually my presentations were on Silk Road, Lewis & Clark (Bitteroot), 13 Colonies (Western Boundaries NY,PA,MD,VA,NC,SC,GA Dictated by the Appalachian Mountains), American War Between The States (High Ground at Gettysburg) and WWII (Nazi Germany's 2 Front War) using our student centered technology or hand on materials and always focused on geography and it impact. My job was selling Social studies curriculum materials so I met lots of History Teachers/History Directors at the district and site based level. I was fortunate (call it savvy sales skills) to develop good professional relationships with several who had an interest in WWII Aviation and of course the American War Between The States (I was raised in Gettysburg). Lots of times I would give the planes away to "decision makers". A $15 toy got me more mileage than a $30 lunch. After a few years of picking up more and more of these planes as "giveaways" I had an inventory of almost 30 planes. Remember this was several years of "hording". Then the news of 21st Century going belly up I started picking up more planes purely as give-aways to my customers and at conferences I also picked up 48 1:32 Sherman Firefly tanks for $100. Before I knew it I had over 70 planes and a crapload of armour. 1:32 and 1:18 scale. Then in 2010 I started unloading on eBay to finance my return to scale modeling. Hoping to get about $25 or $30 for the 1:32's most sold for over $40 and several sold for $70 and I unloaded an opened 1:18 P47 for $130. To say the least I was stunned and some of the bidding battles which took place on these planes. Those Firefly tanks? Cost barely $2 each and sold every one for at least $15 several for $30 each. I never really planned this as a Collectors Market. It just happened that way. My return to scale modeling was completely financed through the sale of my 21st Century planes and armour. I only have 2 planes left and my kids have them. My stash has several duplicates and I am planning to build most. However, I have a few extras I have no plan on build and will unload them when the value increases. Whew! Sorry guys for longwinded reply. This is an interesting topic.
  14. beautiful. she's a big 'un! an amazing effort. true modeling skills on this one. very clever solutions executed. really enjoyed following your WIP reports on ths one. now for the big question: Where and How will you display this beauty?
  15. Hey Kiwi! Nice to see you in the neighborhood!
  16. very cool! I have this kit as well and will be watching. When I finish my last Jug, I may just join in the fun with you. at least on the catapult. lots of threading for the "railing" with little tiny pieces. straight forward nothing too complex, just time consuming. When you start looking for decals for dials look at corner of instruction page, they're printed on paper.
  17. what is the part number?
  18. looks good Vivian! now the fun begins.
  19. For decals behaving badly I had great success with Mr. Mark Softer. Mr. Mark Softer has tamed my Tamiya and Hasegawa decals. Albeit, they require multiple applications. Caution to remove excess Softer after application by drawing excess with corner of papertowel. Sometimes if Mr. Softer pools then dries there will be a spot on surface. Mr. Softer conformed my IP decal for my Jug Build. About 6 applications needed to get IP decal to settle into the dials. Add a drop of gloss in the dials and the results were very good. Other decals such as Cartograph, MicroScale, Kits World and AMLC decals have behaved well for me with Solvaset. Me thinks Mr. Softer may be too harsh on these. As you know, its all about surface prep. Good luck...
  20. Watch the trailer and look for the F4U's. Disney's Planes Trailer at about 1:50 look for the F4U's. Release date is this AUG. Skipper Riley is a main character. My kids are excited to see this...well, so is the big kid as well.
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