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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. No. I do not shoot outdoors. Hard to control lighting, etc.
  2. hard on many levels. stay focused on family, memories.
  3. nice work one. finish just right.
  4. another epic result. the historical connection (as with all your builds) is much appreciated.
  5. Been using Radu riveter for years. a great tool.
  6. FuG220 installation almost complete. This was fabricated via reverse engineering and 3D Print Technology. Using 1940's construction method. I did a walk around today and will post more images later. That's "Flak Bait" in the background.
  7. Observe the alignment of the stabilizer plugs. The starboard stabilizer plug is about 2mm higher than the port side. The entire tailplane is warped.
  8. Yes! My cut was not perfect.
  9. Ok, I'm in. Hopefully this will be the kick I need to finish this thing. FW190C-V-U BACK FROM THE SHELF O' DOOM I received my FW190D9 "Tall Tail" from Hasegawa. Cut at the panel line. After assembly of the tail and tail wheel the new "Tall Tail" was grafted to the fuselage using stryene strips for locators and 5 minute epoxy. The white card is a shim. Fill/sand/scribe required later.
  10. I am looking for this decal sheet: ICARUS 72001 Hellenic Air Force Part 1 Decals My son and I are doing a Dad & Lad build - Greek F16C. Buy or Trade. Thanks - Rick
  11. Albeit a little late...THANK YOU! Albeit a little late...THANK YOU! Appreciate the kind words, cheers! The TAM 1:48 is a pleasurable build. The canopy gave me fits though and I went for the vac replacement. Thank you! Thanks!
  12. WNW quality in a 1:32 Lanc? You do the math.
  13. yup, snagged one a few months ago. Removed the inside mounts for the armored glass and polished inside windscreen smooth. Next step will be to mount the reflector glass and scratch armored glass and mount it askew inside windscreen. EZ right?
  14. Nice Mike. I'm riveting my 190 C. Hope my results when paint applied turn out as good as yours.
  15. truly a combination of a building and emotional journey. amazed of the exceptional work before closing up the fuselage.
  16. My kids return to school next week! The bench is calling! Heading back to my table: Fw190C, Planet/HAS conversion, riveting complete...time for primer. Tempest Mk.V (SH), Ace Maker (Roy's) gunsight ready to install then primer. A6M2b (TAM), Wiring engine is on deck Photo session for my completed TRU Hawaiian P40B to come. Stay tuned!
  17. I'm in for a Traders Board. I know this guy in China selling Tamiya 1:32 F4U's for USD$5.98each. We should reach out to him.
  18. Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi Thanks for the kudos. ODO has really nice trophies. I had a discussion at an IPMS show with a modeller awhile back. Asked me if I win many 1st awards. I said no. Then this modeller discussed the merits of building to win. It was an interesting take on our hobby. I replied I build for fun, albeit I might have OCD issues. I continued saying I build for the pure joy of research, imagination, build and paint that goes into a model. Also important to me is the camaraderie and fellowship with my modelling peers. I go to IPMS meetings/contests to hang out with the guys and see some great builds. Any hardware is a pure bonus. If I ever start building just to win a contest it will be time to find another hobby. Thanks Harv!
  19. your reference to history is always a joy to witness. oh, and your build is coming along quite nice...just a tad.
  20. nice to see you here Phil.
  21. fix it! it's just plastic. great solutions for those uncooperative fits.
  22. Cheers Phil! Thanks John.
  23. Cheers Peter!
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