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About KevinM

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    Model Building,Woodwork,Gun Collecting and MS State Baseball esp. since the Coach is my Nephew.

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  1. She's looking great there Dave keep at it.
  2. Will do when the time comes have started the Meng Me-410 last night.
  3. Very Nice Rendition you have accomplished there Rob ...what kit though?
  4. I am calling this one done fellas the last coat of clear same bottle as before flatten a shade kinda miffed not bad but panel wash now nah that just went out the window.
  5. Yea plan on getting some vacuum tubing from from work like 9/32" most likely.
  6. She is pretty Hubert why I chose that scheme but I seriously need to start building the other case for the office area to which the little stand was the first real wood work for me in a year...was nice.
  7. From Plaza in Japan the way to get your Tamiya at a discount all three with shipping was $214 and Sprue Brothers those Pony's at 163/198
  8. The canopy got taped and black based last night and sprayed silver this morning just a couple light touch ups left.The stand I built today wanted something lighter and more adjustable should handle a twin engine easy 16"LX14"W.Though you cannot see them all the woods Lyptus(SA),Red Oak,Black Oak and 3/16" plywood a project leftover from wife's little kiddie class.
  9. Coming along slowly got a bit of chipping done last night.The stand I built today had all the wood of course(lyptus,black oak,red oak and 3/16 plywood) scraps just had to buy wingnuts.
  10. Really love the weathering on the engine!
  11. The 1/32 stay with me even expecting a couple of Tamy 1/32 Pony's today.
  12. I am starting to get to the point you are at now Scott mainly 1/72 and 1/48
  13. To get the stars to align in the correct formation in the heavens happens only on occasion Rob while we are our own worst critics.
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