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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Ships OK? I think that is how I found the forum from Chuck visiting MSW. I have a fascination with the lines of the JNF's and through that interest started building more of there planes and the Allied planes of the PTO.So what I have here are two Hase kits in 1/350 scale to which I spent about a month on each one.The Yukikaze.........
  2. Well got some white on the spinner as a backdrop for the red and went on the hunt for seams found some in the tail ,behind the pit and the left wing all quick.I am thinking of going closed canopy on this something about the shape lends itself to that direction? That's all for a couple day methinks work starts back up tomorrow.
  3. I was thinking the same thing!Nice work Rob.I always wanted to the Porsche 910 67 Gulf Livery and the GT 40 from then "it was called racing"
  4. As to the Question Gaz I like late war American fighters all silver with colors galore like the German WWI crates.The US Government is giving these guys/kids their very own hot rod and it has 2000HP out front and they get to paint it the way they want in late war.This one is not far from desk.......
  5. Excellent work thus far and a brave man to go chopping on that wing!I take it the engine will be numbered? Hint the pic?When I saw all the work in that area I was about to come out and flog you for no # Keep up this excellent state of craftsmanship
  6. I know a day late and a dollar short but maybe paint the model,shade the panels and back over the panels.I like that technique on RLM 76/78
  7. Gunsights can make an office pop on these WWII crates.Nice Gaz!!
  8. Belts and footstraps are in and I have got to say the Quinta in this area is a Treat! The cage is glued in non need to afix the rear rad screen glue the fuse to the wings and then the last two panels for the pit are last.I will then be off to tracking down pics of the LG.
  9. Yeah Peter never saw anybody mentioned the deal about the tail-planes but when you look before the plane got its paint you see what I have it's the kit.The cowl I read some about and nothing on the WW's just seemed a wonky way of building just me.Now if Momma with give me a break some with the dang carport I might move forward some in the next couple of days.I like wood work but macro stuff to the house not so much I tweaked C-4 and T1/T2(old injuries) last week to many hours 100' and all overhead rafter work.
  10. Oh wanted to mentioned went to my first model contest in probably 20 years yesterday enjoyed it thoroughly in Covington LA about 1 1/4 hrs from the house got to meet some like mind people and NO WIFE!! Hooray because Kevin spent $210 on 1/32 Trumpter's Me 262,P-47N,P-51 D,P-40 and p/u a Hase 1/72 Emily and it's bigger than the most of the 1/32s minus the Jug.I am thinking of checking out the club I think I could of found a 1/32 in the built and took it with a prop.
  11. I figured it's time for an update.The kit presents it's problems like most limited run kit first off the tail-planes have a terrible step on top on one side and the bottom of the other.I put .010 round styrene in the grove and filled outward about 1/4" and commenced to sanding had to make two passes after the silver showed the line still present at the edge about 20 mins a side.The next was the top cowl the moulding is either thick on the l/side or the male part of the fuselage is fat I worked both got some relief just not 100% maybe 85/90%.The wheel wells may I say were a "B" are made of 6 pieces all together to which you have to line them up to the bottom half of the wing and hope it lines up with the upper moulding I was close but no cigar but it happened with choice words and coercion.The fit between the fuse is OK should work but some wood clamps from the other side will probably come into play.Do I hate the kit by no means not it will be presentable as a nice build just not a shake n bake that's all.Now some pics of the good bad and ugly.
  12. So Nick do I understand that you have HS over the silver?I found out the hard way that without a gloss black finish it makes the the chipping process tough since the finish is pebbly.It looks like you are using the short circular sprays of a million dots makes a wonderful finish but one I have yet to master.I did it on the D.Earth of the last two Hurri's just playing around.Coming along Quite Nicely!!
  13. Glad to have you along I am not the best photographer maybe some outdoor pics later.........now others it seems have a steadier hand than I but were the wires feed in the back I cut off the stubbs ,drilled .020",inserted hollow rod and then the wire.I like the Quinta kit for the big slides but had a nob break while fiddling with the IP the thin pieces break fairly easy or maybe fat finger Joe here.
  14. That was me to Phil for the most not much Hurries in the collection as to kits the Italeri kit was very Nice had the full cage for the copit with a little AM help if you go there is up to you.The kit supplies like 5/6 different A/c decals well printed.I am sure Tamy has a good kit out there just haven't done it I like Tamy they just hurt the account and as mentioned before I build alot for aestetics so interior in 1/48 th is
  15. I am liking the Quinta stuff thus far for the most part the T-handles for the dash are a PIA and Break so I made some out of PE left over trees with a little white glue to fluff them up.The handles for the consoles are good when you place the other half of the ball they line up almost like magic I paint some to fill the seam.I will try to finish the pit tomorrow if Momma will let me been building a carport ATTM just need to tie the rafters to the outer wall not a big fan of macro work I like furniture.
  16. All I can say Peter is "Holy Crap" those do look Nice!!
  17. Nice layout whatever you do not go cheap on lighting LED was not around when I did mine but they are going to be fitted in the workshop and the office/hobby room.
  18. This is another crate I put some extra effort into for a group build but had to finish later.I was having some health issues( limbs) to which I was dropping stuff including this plane (almost finished) and the PCM G-55.I had shoulder surgery and two weeks later had corporal tunnel surgery to the same arm and I never believed in CT mine was bad.So I finished the kit up some two years later alot of embellishments went into this one.
  19. I have been wanting to build this crate for some time now not much of the Russkie stuff in the cabinet.I will be making some minor enhancements to the pit and maybe the wheel wells I have for the pit the Quinta Studios slides look nice and cool will be a first.I managed to get the grey laid down the instruction call for a Light Gull Grey I opted for Neutral which is in between the Light/Dark gull grey.I also sanded all the pieces that were required for the slides to hit that had raised detail.
  20. Thanks harv just wish I could get past the blockage on the Mossie I'd close up one engine but sure would like to open one for looks you know.
  21. So I had to pull those pics of the engine out those belonged to another fella I forum I was following doing the Tamy kit I thought they looked to good for me to close up So here what was mine no were near as elaborate but an improvement.Sorry about the mis-direction but do not wish to take credit for what is not duly mine.
  22. Why I picked Kai is was different I think I still have the pamphlet that came with the kit might have some more info.I like to save my instructions and of course left over decals so I have instructions going back 30+ years some people like to save the box top?
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