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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. I don't see any warts but a mighty fine build I do see
  2. I love the Mk24's and have the kit in the stash you got me think'in.............
  3. Nice Work John!!
  4. We need a bodafide trophy down in the corner!Mike you do some Nice work!So I take it this is a Copper model?
  5. Harv who does the resin? I think I have this kit in a different manufacturer in the stash?This could and should turn into real looker when done.
  6. Thks Guys have been looking at that kit for years and that paint scheme scared me off it was nice to finish it.I have already started on another 1/48 a Nichimo B5N2 "Kate"
  7. I built this in the last four days as a Nice distract from details.I bought the kit in the 80's for $11 it appears by the tag on the box.I built it gear up seeing I had looked at this kit many many times and never followed through I lost an inner gear door.This is an OOB build with the help of a Supermodel stand donated from the spares box.Tamiya shows a very overall sparse paint/camo of green over grey like a late KI-61 but the boxart showed my scheme.
  8. Between Hurricanes(Zeta) and work it's been slow going but I got a couple more hours tops in this one hope she measures up I will get better pics when complete.
  9. Not often do the pieces just fall into play like today I kept rolling
  10. I started this project years ago in 2011 with some input from Mr.Edgar Brooks with info/photos of the inside of a pit I did quite abit on the engine and the pit scratch wise.I had a small procedure done medical wise sometime back that laid me up for a couple of weeks and I thought lets finish some of the unfinished this is like #6 in the series and just to prove to you guys I do build .I had to make these stencils five time and repaint the fuse behind the canopy for I had the stars in the wrong location hence the reason for the full stencil.The first pick is the bad location of the band and star the rest from today.The orginal build can be found here if so inclined to look.Take care https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/threads/1-24-mk-v-spitfire.28726/
  11. KevinM

    My Non-LSM

    Thks Guys!The wood working guys I am still teaching myself it's something I would like to make money at in retirement..............but some pieces take some time.The new cabinet I bought rough oak white and red and plane it down all in all $200 lumber $330 glass if I sold it 900/950.Last pic on wood work I had originally built this for my nephew who was the head coach at Indiana (baseball) it would of fit the house perfectly but now he's at MS State not at all.It's made of Sapele(African mahogany),maple,cherry and birch with inlays on the legs all mortise/tenon.
  12. KevinM

    My Non-LSM

    Not sure if this is the spot to put this or not but here it goes.I have not been building any of late for I have literally run out of room to house the project!So my other hobby is wood so a plan was put into place and completed in the last week.The wall cabinet I built 15 years ago had finally filled up the spacing on the shelves is 7" good for most 1/32 and 1/24 and that is the plan for the future.The floor cabinet is 5" spacing and has 1/48 and 1/72 those being two engine a/c mainly. The wall mounts have have 1/72 single engine for the most part.I am finishing up an old project a 1/24 MkV Spit now that the big cabinet has finally cleared out and then on to the 1/32 Kinetic Sabre.
  13. Coming along quite Nicely Harv Kevin
  14. Not my favorite crate but the level of enhancements you are doing is most excellent keep up the great effort! Kevin
  15. That is some Nice work you have going there!I have tried punching my out just can never seem to get them centered I guess practice practice............ Kevin
  16. I was wondering the same thing sometimes we get this and that and it just gets hidden.The build looking Nice Carl I think I like to try there KI-45 never done a ZM kit. Kevin
  17. Thks fellas for all the kind comments.I have been slow on builds of late having looked around the forum I am starting to get the urge to start another 1/32 the Kinetic F-86 but I need to finish my son's plane #802 out of Misawa with the 35FW unfortunately 1/48. Kevin He's the crewchief for the crate.
  18. Looking Good Rob and I think looking at a couple of builds may get me on the move again Kevin
  19. Nice work there Carl.Whats your thoughts on the belts compared to HGW and RB's?
  20. Nice weathering on the belts and a great idea on the gear Kevin
  21. I have to agree that is one sleek airframe
  22. Nice! and thanks for showing the tube do always use fast drying oils?
  23. That is Nice John never built any of their kits.
  24. Those look Nice Sir!! So how do store?How long were the builds?I have a big cabinet 8'LX4H'x22"D and my B-25 barely fits.But man really Nice!!
  25. Yeah I use to look for you at LSP and then no more.The format here is just the same as MSW so I am comfortable with it Harv.
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